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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طرق مختلفة لتقوية شبكة الانترنت How to Increase the Range of Your Wifi

Rise Company
18-05-2016, 16:06
طرق مختلفة لتقوية شبكة الانترنت How to Increase the Range of Your Wifi

How to Increase the Range of Your Wifi
Two Methods : Antenna 1: The Can-tenna Antenna 2: The Parabolic Antenna.
There are several easy ways for you to increase the range of your Wi-Fi relatively quickly. Almost all of them involve using a simple do-it-yourself antenna on either your router or your wireless receiver. They can come in all shapes and sizes, but what these antennas all have in common is that they're cheap and can be very effective.
Method 1 of 2: Antenna 1: The Can-tenna
The first antenna will be the simplest and the cheapest, and will use a Pringles can and a pair of scissors. Steps will be outlined for both traditional routers/receivers as well as the USB dongle type of Wi-Fi receivers, which can be a little trickier.

Prepare your Pringle's can for mounting the antenna.

(For traditional routers/receivers): Pop a hole in the bottom of the can for your router's/receiver's antenna. Try to get it as close to the center as possible.
image: http://pad3.whstatic.com/images/thumb/d/db/Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-1Bullet1.jpg/670px-Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-1Bullet1.jpg
(For USB dongles) You would need to mount your receiver using a USB male-female cable (which can be bought cheaply from dollar stores), and have enough room to position it properly. To do this, you have two options:
image: http://pad1.whstatic.com/images/thumb/3/38/Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-1Bullet2.jpg/670px-Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-1Bullet2.jpg

Option 1: Cut a rectangular hole in the bottom of the can that will snugly hold the reliever, as with the step for traditional routers/receivers.
Option 2: Attach a large helping of duck tape to the back of the receiver and place it at the bottom of the can, allowing the wire run out the front. This is the simpler method of the two. It won't last forever, but it can get you by in a pinch.

image: http://pad3.whstatic.com/images/thumb/2/2b/Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-2.jpg/670px-Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-2.jpg
Mount the "can-tenna" in way that will be both secure and flexible. At this point, there is little difference between the steps for the USB and the traditional Wi-Fi receivers, since the antenna is already in place. Get creative and look around your house for items that you can use to mount the antenna. Anything that can support the antenna and can be rotated should be considered. You can use duct tape as well as flexible clams, which can be bought from dollar stores. When using the flexible clam, clamp one end to something heavy like a textbook, and the other to your antenna. Now that your antenna is secure and flexible, it can be positioned to face any direction and won't fall down.

image: http://pad3.whstatic.com/images/thumb/0/06/Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-3.jpg/670px-Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-3.jpg
Be precise with your aim. The "can-tenna" can greatly increase range, but you will have to be very accurate. When attached to a router, position the antenna/s in such a way that they are directly facing the area you will be accessing the internet from. When used with a receiver, point it in the general direction of the signal, and use the indicated signal strength on your computer to fine tune its position. With some effort, signal gains of 2-3 times are not uncommon.

The parabolic antenna is very similar to a satellite dish, and can perform even better than the "can-tenna".

image: http://pad1.whstatic.com/images/thumb/8/86/Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-4.jpg/670px-Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-4.jpg
Find a piece of dome-shaped piece metallic cookware that you are willing to use for the project, such as a metal bowl, strainer, or something called a "parabolic Asian cookware". A "parabolic Asian cookware" is basically a strainer used in Asian cooking, and work very well for this project.
image: http://pad2.whstatic.com/images/thumb/7/73/Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-5.jpg/670px-Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-5.jpg
Mount your antenna as close to the center of the bowl/dish/strainer as possible. You can do this by either drilling a hole, using tape, or hot glue. Mount it the same way you would with the "can-tenna".
image: http://pad3.whstatic.com/images/thumb/3/31/Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-6.jpg/670px-Increase-the-Range-of-Your-Wifi-Step-6.jpg
Face your antenna towards your Wi-Fi connection. Check out the results, and fine tune the position if you want a better signal.When finished, you should have something that greatly resembles a satellite dish. Now, this is mostly for Wi-Fi receivers that want to pick up a connection over a long distance. But feel free to try it with your router as well. The larger the "dish" and the closer you are the to the center, the better the results you can expect.


Use your imagination in making an even better antenna -- you don't need to follow this guide word for word. For instance, if you have an old satellite dish lying around (like the ones used for satellite television), plus a little technical knowledge, you can model this into an amazing antenna. Search for additional instructions in your favorite search engine using the Dish's model number, or the words "Wi-Fi antenna" or "DIY Wi-Fi".
Most of the materials used in this project are easily sourced in dollar stores or even in your own home, so you don't need to spend a lot of cash for this.


Stealing internet is a crime. Remember to only connect to Wi-Fi signals that you have permission to use, or those that you own yourself.

Things You'll Need
For the "can-tenna":

Pringles can or regular soup can (it is easier to work with a Pringles can though)
Scissors or a knife
USB male-female cable
Duct tape
Flexible clams

For the parabolic antenna:

Metal bowl
A drill, Duct tape or hot glue

Read more at http://www.infoskep.com/subject-how-to-increase-the-range-of-your-wifi.html#0KVLjxTwtElBQGi6.99