Rise Company
08-07-2017, 22:57
حل مشكلة It looks like your ad may be for housing, employment or credit opportunities
It looks like your ad may be for housing, employment or credit opportunities. If your ad is for a housing, employment or credit opportunity, you'll need to certify that you'll comply with our policy prohibiting discrimination and with applicable anti-discrimination laws.
Facebook announced in November that it would stop advertisers from targeting users by race for ads that focused on housing, employment, and credit opportunities, in response to a report that found that Facebook’s tools could be used to place discriminatory advertisements. Today, the social network provided a progress update on the matter, disclosing what actions it has taken since its announcement was first made, along with details of its new advertising policies and related tools.
اذا حاولت الترويج عن بوست النص مذكور به احياء او مناطق قد تظهر لك تلك الرسالة
والتى يفهمها الفيس بوك على انه نشاط منزلى وهو مرفوض
وعليك فقط ازالة تلك المناطق من الاعلان و سيعمل على الفور.
It looks like your ad may be for housing, employment or credit opportunities. If your ad is for a housing, employment or credit opportunity, you'll need to certify that you'll comply with our policy prohibiting discrimination and with applicable anti-discrimination laws.
Facebook announced in November that it would stop advertisers from targeting users by race for ads that focused on housing, employment, and credit opportunities, in response to a report that found that Facebook’s tools could be used to place discriminatory advertisements. Today, the social network provided a progress update on the matter, disclosing what actions it has taken since its announcement was first made, along with details of its new advertising policies and related tools.
اذا حاولت الترويج عن بوست النص مذكور به احياء او مناطق قد تظهر لك تلك الرسالة
والتى يفهمها الفيس بوك على انه نشاط منزلى وهو مرفوض
وعليك فقط ازالة تلك المناطق من الاعلان و سيعمل على الفور.