Rise Company
28-10-2017, 15:49
عمل لايك لصفحة تابعه لك Log In as Your Page and Like Other Pages
قام الفيس بوك بالغاء خاصية Login as your Page و التى من خلالها نقوم بعمل اعجابات او متابعه من خلال الصفحة و ليس الحساب ولكى تقوم بذلك يكون من خيار View Pages Feed من على يمين الصفحة .
Facebook changes again. This time it’s the “Login as your Page” option – it’s gone. But never fear, we can still do everything we used to do, it’s just different.
Facebook definitely likes to change things up and it’s not always for the better. I personally liked the Login as your Page option because then it was very clear how you were acting on Facebook.
Now you have to pay attention to the small icon next to each post to switch back and forth.
I made a handy video of the changes here.
Here are some of the changes and how you do the things you used to do while you were logged in as your Page.
View your Page Home Feed by Click the Pages Feed
Before when you logged in as your Page you would click Home at the top to see the Pages you have Liked as your Page.
Now, you get to your Pages Feed by clicking View Pages Feed under your profile picture on the left sidebar.
Now your Pages Feed is showing but your profile picture is still at the top. But your Page is “set” to comment on any of the posts there. You can change the attribution by switching the icon.
Like Other Pages as Your Page
This has changed too. You used to be able to just navigate to the Page while you were logged in and click Like. But now, there are a couple of ways to do this:
Click the “Like Other Pages” button and type in the Page name from your Pages Home Feed (see the image above)
Navigate to the Page and click the 3 dots button to the right of the Like button and select Like as your Page from the drop down menu.
Then you just have to navigate to that Page and click “Save”
Comment on Other Pages as your Page
You don’t have to Like another Page as your Page to comment on their Timeline or Posts, you can just navigate to that Page and switch the icon to your Page.
This also is the case for just commenting on Posts on their Page.
قام الفيس بوك بالغاء خاصية Login as your Page و التى من خلالها نقوم بعمل اعجابات او متابعه من خلال الصفحة و ليس الحساب ولكى تقوم بذلك يكون من خيار View Pages Feed من على يمين الصفحة .
Facebook changes again. This time it’s the “Login as your Page” option – it’s gone. But never fear, we can still do everything we used to do, it’s just different.
Facebook definitely likes to change things up and it’s not always for the better. I personally liked the Login as your Page option because then it was very clear how you were acting on Facebook.
Now you have to pay attention to the small icon next to each post to switch back and forth.
I made a handy video of the changes here.
Here are some of the changes and how you do the things you used to do while you were logged in as your Page.
View your Page Home Feed by Click the Pages Feed
Before when you logged in as your Page you would click Home at the top to see the Pages you have Liked as your Page.
Now, you get to your Pages Feed by clicking View Pages Feed under your profile picture on the left sidebar.
Now your Pages Feed is showing but your profile picture is still at the top. But your Page is “set” to comment on any of the posts there. You can change the attribution by switching the icon.
Like Other Pages as Your Page
This has changed too. You used to be able to just navigate to the Page while you were logged in and click Like. But now, there are a couple of ways to do this:
Click the “Like Other Pages” button and type in the Page name from your Pages Home Feed (see the image above)
Navigate to the Page and click the 3 dots button to the right of the Like button and select Like as your Page from the drop down menu.
Then you just have to navigate to that Page and click “Save”
Comment on Other Pages as your Page
You don’t have to Like another Page as your Page to comment on their Timeline or Posts, you can just navigate to that Page and switch the icon to your Page.
This also is the case for just commenting on Posts on their Page.