Rise Company
19-03-2018, 01:04
حل مشكلة Solved WMCS Troubleshooting Ioncube Errors
encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/servers/enkompass/enkompass.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/servers/pleskreseller/pleskreseller.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/registrars/dottk/dottk.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/registrars/netregistry/netregistry.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/gateways/eway.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/gateways/ewayuk.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/gateways/internetsecure.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
نص الخطا كامل
Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: The file xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxx.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.6. in Unknown:0
Stack trace:
#0 /home/rise/public_html/tech/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Utility/Error/Run.php(0): WHMCS\Utility\Error\Run->handleError(16, 'The file /home/...', 'Unknown', 0)
#1 [internal function]: WHMCS\Utility\Error\Run->handleShutdown()
#2 {main}
حل المشكلة:
قم بحذف الملفات المحددة باللون الازرف
اى تحذف ملف php الذى يظهر بداخله الخطا
encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/servers/enkompass/enkompass.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/servers/pleskreseller/pleskreseller.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/registrars/dottk/dottk.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/registrars/netregistry/netregistry.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/gateways/eway.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/gateways/ewayuk.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
The file /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/modules/gateways/internetsecure.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
نص الخطا كامل
Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: The file xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxx.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.3 and cannot run under PHP 7.0.
Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5.6. in Unknown:0
Stack trace:
#0 /home/rise/public_html/tech/vendor/whmcs/whmcs-foundation/lib/Utility/Error/Run.php(0): WHMCS\Utility\Error\Run->handleError(16, 'The file /home/...', 'Unknown', 0)
#1 [internal function]: WHMCS\Utility\Error\Run->handleShutdown()
#2 {main}
حل المشكلة:
قم بحذف الملفات المحددة باللون الازرف
اى تحذف ملف php الذى يظهر بداخله الخطا