المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ماي كلاود My Cloud خطا You might not have permissions to use this network

Rise Company
31-12-2018, 13:07
حل مشكلة الدخول على My Cloud خطا You might not have permissions to use this network
Share Access Failure - You might not have permissions to use this network resource
Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name are not allowed


سبب المشكلة :

Windows does not support multiple connections to network shares under the following conditions :

Accessing a My Cloud Private Share with one My Cloud user name, and attempting to access another share using a different My Cloud user name on the same Windows PC.
Accessing a My Cloud Public Share and then attempting to access a Private Share on the same Windows PC

حل المشكلة :

قم بعمل Log off ثم log on ثم هتجد ان المشكلة تم حلها

حيث اذا كانت قمت مسبقا بالدخول بدون user فقد تم تسجيل دخول guest

لذا يجب عمل log off ثم log on والدخول على فولدر private وادخال user و pass

لكى يتم حفظة للدخول private او public


لكى تقوم بحذف تسجيل دخول مسجل على الويندوز يتم من هنا

اداة Credential Manager التى تحتفظ بجميع كلمات المرور المحفوظه علي نظام Windows (https://www.rise.company/forum/threads/36802-%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%A9-Credential-Manager-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AA%D9%89-%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%B8-%D8%A8%D8%AC%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%B9-%D9%83%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AD%D9%81%D9%88%D8%B8%D9%87-%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%8A-%D9%86%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%85-Windows)


Private to Private Share

If you have accessed a My Cloud Private network share using Windows Explorer with one My Cloud user name, Log Off the Windows PC and Log On again to access a different share using a different My Cloud user name.

Log off the Windows PC
Log on the Windows PC
Access the Private Share using the different My Cloud user name

Public to Private Share

If you have accessed a My Cloud Public network share using Windows Explorer and attempt to access a My Cloud Private network share, Log Off the Windows PC and Log On again, access the Private Share before the Public Share. This process ensures that Windows Explorer will always use the Private Share credentials when accessing the Public Share in the same Windows session.

Log off the Windows PC
Log on the Windows PC
Access the Private Share before accessing the Public Share

Windows 10 Log In / Sign In Option

Log In Option - Local Account

Windows 10 includes the traditional Login In option using a Windows computer Local User Name and password. The Login In option is considered a Local Account which does not utilize Active Directory or any online sign in associated methods. Local Account Login in does not access the windows Samba (SMB) network layer.

When using Local Account, access the My Cloud Private Share before accessing the Public Share.

Sign In Option - Online Account

Windows 10 introduces a new Sign In option using the Windows Online Account email address as the username to access the computer. The Sign In option is considered a Online Account utilizing Active Directory via Windows Online. Due to the Active Directory nature of the Windows Online Account, the Windows Samba (SMB) network environment uses the Windows Online Account email address to access available network shares.

When using the Online Account, accessing the My Cloud Private and Public share will fail. Microsoft Windows does not allow more than one user to access a network share in the same active session. Using an alternate Local Log In Account or changing the computer access method from "Sign In - Online Account" to "Log In - Local Account" will allow access to network shares without permission errors.

My Cloud Admin

Access any share on the My Cloud as the "admin" user which Read/Write access to all shares created by default.
If the "admin" user cannot access the share, please check the share permissions on the My Cloud dashboard.

Windows 10 Solutions

Perform a system only restore on the My Cloud. Please see Answer ID 10433: How to restore a My Cloud storage device to factory default settings (https://support.wdc.com/knowledgebase/answer.aspx?ID=10433&lang=en)
Use WD Access to map the My Cloud shares. Please see Answer ID 2676: How to map a My Cloud or NAS device on Windows (https://support.wdc.com/knowledgebase/answer.aspx?ID=2676&lang=en)

Windows Networking Services

Open the Services panel.

Click on Start (Windows logo) at the bottom-left of the screen
Type services.msc from the search bar as shown below https://www.rise.company/forum/images/imported/2018/12/17.png
Click services.msc application as shown below

Ensure the following Windows Services are running and set to Automatic.
Please follow the steps outlined below this list for instructions on how to make changes if needed.

Computer Browser
DHCP Client
DNS Client
Network Location Awareness
Function Discovery Resource Publication
Plug and Play
SSDP Discovery
Storage Server
UPnP Device Host

Change Services Instructions Change the properties to automatic startup any services not currently running.

Right-click the service to be edited and select Properties

Select Automatic from the Startup type: drop-down menu

Click Apply to save the change

Start the service if the Service status: shows Stopped.

Reboot the computer