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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طابعة هانيويل Honeywell - PC42d Printer ليبل / ملصقات / باركود

Rise Company
20-01-2020, 05:26
طابعة ليبل / ملصقات / باركود Honeywell - PC42d Thermal Label Printer
تعريفات و برامج الطابعة الحرارية للملصقات هانيويل الامريكية pc42d
InterDriver_7.4.3_M-3.zip - InterDriver_2017.1_M-3.zip


موقع الشركة :

تحميل التعريف / البرنامج :- اصدار 2017


* ملحوظة التحميل يتطلب تسجيل عضوية اولا ثم تحميل برنامج here (http://hsmftpsoft.blob.core.windows.net/downloader/HoneywellSoftwareDownloaderDM.Setup.msi)

How to download and install the latest Honeywell InterDriver
Jul 31, 2019•HSM Article - Last Modified Date - 7/31/2019 12:35 PM
How may I download the latest Intermec and Honeywell print drivers: directly from Honeywell?

"Honeywell" doesn't show up as a printer manufacturer in my Add Printer Wizard.
"Intermec" doesn't show up as a printer manufacturer in my Add Printer Wizard.
I would like to use IPL on my Intermec PM43 and I do not see an IPL-language driver listed in the Select a Printer listing in the Datamax Driver Wizard.
From where may I download a legacy (non-current) version of the Intermec InterDriver?
PM43c install driver via network, RFID labels
PM43 - driver issues, error when printing, stuck in queue
PM43 - Print Jobs Immediately Cancel
Applies To

Printers Hardware: EasyCoder 3240, 3400, 3440, 3600, 4420, 4440, C4, PB21, PB22, PB31, PB32, PB40, PB41, PB42, PB50, PC23d, PC4, PC41, PC42T, PC42D, PC43d, PC43t, PD4, PD41, PD42, PD43, PF2i, PF4i, PF8d, PF8t, PK80, PM23, PM42, PM43, PM4i, PR2, PR3, PW50, PX4i, PX6i, PC42, OT800, OD800, PX940
Printers Software: InterDriver
Printers Hardware: All Supported in latest Honeywell InterDriver drivers for Windows

Honeywell recommends that the Driver Wizard be used to install Honeywell, Intermec, and Datamax-O'Neil printers instead of Windows' own 'Add Printer' Wizard. The Driver Wizard may also be used to do in-place upgrades of existing Honeywell, Intermec, and Datamax-O'Neil printers. It can also be used to completely remove all or a selection of these printers and drivers from a server or workstation.
NOTE: Honeywell Product Support is not able to fully support versions of the InterDriver prior to the current, latest version. Also, in most cases, Honeywell Product Support will not be able to provide a copy of legacy InterDriver versions: those issued prior to the latest version.

Remove Existing Package
Before the new packages can be installed, any obsolete packages should be removed.
Go to 'Start' menu > 'Control Panel' > 'Programs and Features'. Once there, check the program listing for "Honeywell InterDriver" or "Intermec InterDriver". For any of these found, right-click on its line and select to 'Uninstall'. Once these have been removed - or if none are found, here - close the 'Programs and Features' Control Panel.
Double-click on the 'Computer' icon to view the C:\ drive of the computer. This is the icon that used to be called "My Computer", under WinXP. View the 'C:\' drive and see if there is a directory "C:\Seagull", then right-click on it and 'Delete' it. Also look under the 'C:\Program Files (x86)' directory to see if there is either an "Honeywell" directory or an "Intermec" directory: there may be both. If either - or both - is found, check inside for a directory called "InterDriver". If found, Delete that directory, as well.
The system should now be clean of the driver packages, but this will affect neither active printers nor the files, etc from prior printer installations.

You can also go to How to prepare before installing a Honeywell printer with the InterDriver (https://support.honeywellaidc.com/s/article/How-to-prepare-before-installing-a-Honeywell-printer-with-the-InterDriver?r=6&ui-force-components-controllers-recordGlobalValueProvider.RecordGvp.getRecord=1) to view a preparation guide dedicated to Intermec printers or you can go to How to prepare before installing a Honeywell printer with the Datamax drivers (https://support.honeywellaidc.com/s/article/How-to-prepare-before-installing-a-Honeywell-printer-with-the-Datamax-drivers?r=6&ui-force-components-controllers-recordGlobalValueProvider.RecordGvp.getRecord=1) to view a preparation guide dedicated for Datamax printers.

Download Driver Package
Click Here (https://hsmftp.honeywell.com/) to access the Honeywell downloads portal, where the latest version of the InterDriver can be found. The driver itself is found in the following path: 'Software' > 'Printers' > 'Printer Drivers' > 'Intermec Windows Driver'
Once the archive has been downloaded, extract the installer (.EXE) file from the archive to the workstation Desktop.
How to Use This Article
This article will cover how to install the latest Windows driver package. This will make the print driver package available to Windows, but any printers will still need to be installed, separately.
If the print driver package is to be installed to a Windows Server, remember that one or more reboots may be required. Do not start this process unless the server can be taken offline for at least 15 minutes: just to be safe.
InterDriver for Windows: for Honeywell and Intermec Printers
To install the InterDriver package for Windows...

Start the InterDriver installer
Go through the Installation Wizard: accepting the license and all defaults until the 'Installation Directory' page is shown
Once the 'Installation Directory' page is shown, change the directory to which the InterDriver package will be installed...

C:\Program Files (x86)\Honeywell\Drivers\InterDriver\

If system security will not allow the installation directory to be changed, then install to the default location
Complete the installation, including any necessary reboots of the Windows workstation or server

At the end of this process, the Windows print driver package should have been installed under the directory...

C:\Program Files (x86)\Honeywell\Drivers

The Honeywell Driver Wizard may now be used to install the printer, itself.

تحديث هام :

تعريف و طابعة البرنامج محدث باخر اصدار 2019 اصبح مدمج داخل موقع BarTender
طابعة هانيويل Honeywell - PC42d Printer برنامج BarTender (https://www.rise.company/forum/threads/54001-%D8%B7%D8%A7%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%A9-%D9%87%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%84-Honeywell-PC42d-Printer-%D8%A8%D8%B1%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%AC-BarTender)
ينصح باستخدام هذا التعريف فقط دون اى تعريف اخر لتجنب اعطال النسخ القديمة 2017
