Rise Company
05-04-2020, 17:30
شرح متطلبات السيرفر WHMCS CSF Unblocker Module | Requirements
WHMCS CSF Unblocker Module Installation Instructions / Tips
WHMCS CSF Unblocker Server Parameters / Troubleshooting
Make sure the remote servers have ioncube 0 loader enabled. If you are running ioncube loader earlier than ioncube 10 then you can either run easyapache to rebuild the ioncube extension automatically or manually update the ioncube loader files.
يجب ان يكون السيرفر Recommended كما هو موضح هنا
ومن المهم جدا ان يكون هناك اصدار رقم Ioncube loader 10
We are using a local php.ini file so that we don't have to make changes to the system wide php.ini file. If your system wide php.ini have the following functions disabled. It is adviseable to make a copy of the system wide php.ini and make the cronjob to load the local php.ini
يجب ان يكون php.ini لا يحتوي على functions يقوم بعمل لها disable التى يتم استخدامها
Things to check when the module is not connecting to the remote server
If your module is having trouble connecting to the remote server, here is a checklist for you to verify everything is setup correctly
Click on the Connection Tester on the Server Listing in the Admin Backend. This will reveal whether your WHMCS server can make a http/https connection to your remote server's hostname. To test this on your browser, you should be able to goto http://yourhostname/CSFUnblockremote.php, if it display a white page. Then the remote files are installed properly. If you are getting a 404, then the files are missing in the document root. If you are getting 500 then the permission and ownership is most likely incorrect.
Make sure the remote server module files are in the document root for the hostname of your remote server. For example, with cPanel/DA servers the default document root is /var/www/html. So perform a ls -lah /var/www/html and see if the remote server module files had been installed to that path correctly if using the auto installer.
Check if there is any PHP error_log in the document root and the directory above it. In a cPanel/DA server, it would be /var/www/ or /var/www/html
Check if the remote server have the proper ioncube loader installed for the PHP. For servers with multiple PHP installed check which PHP binary is being run when the remote server file is being run and during the cronjob
Is the cronjob setup for on the remote server. The cronjob is essential as it will self heal any permission or ownership change. Also make sure the cronjob is running using root
شاهد ايضا :
https://wiki.codebox.ca/doku.php?id=...4_installation (https://wiki.codebox.ca/doku.php?id=whmcs-csf_unblocker_v4_installation)
https://wiki.codebox.ca/doku.php?id=...v4advanceusage (https://wiki.codebox.ca/doku.php?id=whmcs-csfunblockerv4advanceusage)
https://wiki.codebox.ca/doku.php?id=...r_v4_changelog (https://wiki.codebox.ca/doku.php?id=whmcs-csf_unblocker_v4_changelog)
WHMCS CSF Unblocker Module Installation Instructions / Tips
WHMCS CSF Unblocker Server Parameters / Troubleshooting
Make sure the remote servers have ioncube 0 loader enabled. If you are running ioncube loader earlier than ioncube 10 then you can either run easyapache to rebuild the ioncube extension automatically or manually update the ioncube loader files.
يجب ان يكون السيرفر Recommended كما هو موضح هنا
ومن المهم جدا ان يكون هناك اصدار رقم Ioncube loader 10
We are using a local php.ini file so that we don't have to make changes to the system wide php.ini file. If your system wide php.ini have the following functions disabled. It is adviseable to make a copy of the system wide php.ini and make the cronjob to load the local php.ini
يجب ان يكون php.ini لا يحتوي على functions يقوم بعمل لها disable التى يتم استخدامها
Things to check when the module is not connecting to the remote server
If your module is having trouble connecting to the remote server, here is a checklist for you to verify everything is setup correctly
Click on the Connection Tester on the Server Listing in the Admin Backend. This will reveal whether your WHMCS server can make a http/https connection to your remote server's hostname. To test this on your browser, you should be able to goto http://yourhostname/CSFUnblockremote.php, if it display a white page. Then the remote files are installed properly. If you are getting a 404, then the files are missing in the document root. If you are getting 500 then the permission and ownership is most likely incorrect.
Make sure the remote server module files are in the document root for the hostname of your remote server. For example, with cPanel/DA servers the default document root is /var/www/html. So perform a ls -lah /var/www/html and see if the remote server module files had been installed to that path correctly if using the auto installer.
Check if there is any PHP error_log in the document root and the directory above it. In a cPanel/DA server, it would be /var/www/ or /var/www/html
Check if the remote server have the proper ioncube loader installed for the PHP. For servers with multiple PHP installed check which PHP binary is being run when the remote server file is being run and during the cronjob
Is the cronjob setup for on the remote server. The cronjob is essential as it will self heal any permission or ownership change. Also make sure the cronjob is running using root
شاهد ايضا :
https://wiki.codebox.ca/doku.php?id=...4_installation (https://wiki.codebox.ca/doku.php?id=whmcs-csf_unblocker_v4_installation)
https://wiki.codebox.ca/doku.php?id=...v4advanceusage (https://wiki.codebox.ca/doku.php?id=whmcs-csfunblockerv4advanceusage)
https://wiki.codebox.ca/doku.php?id=...r_v4_changelog (https://wiki.codebox.ca/doku.php?id=whmcs-csf_unblocker_v4_changelog)