المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حل مشكلة جوجل درايف على الموبايل Google Drive won’t sync in Android

Rise Company
26-05-2020, 05:12
حل مشكلة جوجل درايف على الموبايل Google Drive won’t sync in Android
How to Fix Google Drive Does Not Sync All Files and Folders Problem?

حل المشكلة هو حذف الكاش Cache فقط من الموبايل وهتجد تم حل المشكلة

Update the Drive app

Additionally, you should make sure that the app is up to date. Even though the auto-update of the Play Store tends to do that work for you, it won’t hurt if you check for the updates manually. That’s as simplistic procedure as they come, and here is how to do it:

[*=center]Tap Play Store app.
[*=center]Open 3-line menu.
[*=center]Open My Apps and Games.
[*=center]If there’s Drive update available, tap Update to download and install it.
[*=center]Check for changes with the sync procedure.

Clear app’s data

Another usual workaround that comes into play when the certain app won’t function as intended is related to accumulated data that, occasionally, may cause issues. Namely, the data that certain app collects can get corrupted and that will result in malfunction. Even the slightest file can stall the whole sync process, in this case. So, make sure to clear data before moving on with other steps.

[*=center]Tap Settings.
[*=center]Open Apps.
[*=center]Navigate to Drive.
[*=center]Tap to open App info.
[*=center]Tap Storage.

Clear Data.


Reset your device and sign in again. Additionally, you can download the cache within the app settings. This is how to do it.

[*=center]Open the Drive app.
[*=center]Tap 3-line menu.
[*=center]Open Settings.
[*=center]Tap Clear cache.

This process won’t delete any of your data, but rather clear the cached documents.

Sign out and sign in again with the Google account

This may be too obvious, but it may be worth a while. There’s a good chance that, if you’re using Drive on multiple platforms, something went wrong during the backup procedure, some kind of corruption. Moreover, some of the files you’re trying to sync on Google Drive for Android may not be updated from the other device. So, stop the syncing/backup procedure and log out from PC/Mac/Android clients or browser extension, and log in again.
Once you’ve finished with this, your problem should be gone. However, if you’re sure that the problem is strictly app-related, there’s still one thing you can do.

Use Drive trough the web browser

This is far away from the solution, but it may prove as the simplest temporary workaround. You can log in with your credentials in any given Android web browser and access your data. If the app isn’t doing the job as intended, you can always turn around to good old browser. This is how to use Google Drive via the browser:

[*=center]Open the browser of your choice.
[*=center]Navigate to drive.google.com
[*=center]Enter your credentials to log in.

Reinstall the app

At the end, you can try and resolve syncing problems with Google Drive by resetting to factory values. In other words, Android is the system as any other and there are cases when something suddenly went wrong with the individual app or all-around performance. Especially if you have multiple backup solutions, e.g. Huawei Backup or Samsung Cloud. So, your last resort is to restore the factory settings.