المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : سكريبت Whmcs ضبط الساعة timezone و خطأ توقيت عمل Cron

Rise Company
10-06-2020, 11:56
حل مشكلة التوقيت خطأ whmcs time wrong
Incorrect time displayed (WHMCS uses UTC?)
Cron running in wrong time... Setting WHMCS system time
server time is correct but my WHMCS time is wrong


حل المشكلة من خلال السيرفر

Add this to your configuration.php:


قم باستبدال

بالخاص بدولتك من الرابط التالي


حل المشكلة من خلال السيرفر | تغيير ساعة السيرفر WHM

This will change TimeZone for all cPanel users and all websites hosted on it.
Login to WHM using the credentials

Look for “Server Configuration” Section or Search in search bar on left pane and tap on it


Click on “Server Time” option as shown in screenshot below
Select the appropriate timezone that you want on your server from drop-down list shown below

Click on the “Change TimeZone” button.
Note- If you doubt that time shown is incorrect then use “Sync Time with Time Server” option to fix it.

If WHM asks to reboot the server then please perform a server reboot from WHM itself.

اذا كان التوقيت مضبوط على السيرفر طبق التالي

حل المشكلة من خلال السيرفر | تغيير ساعة PHP

قم بتعديل نطاق الدولة من خلال php حيث هو المعتمد داخل whmcs وليس Server نفسه

فقد تجد ان السيرفر مضبوط الساعة به ولكن whmcs لا ويرجع ذلك الى date.timezone

الموجود داخل php وهنا اما يعمم من خلال whm على الجميع او يخصص من خلال cpanel


Change TimeZone for Particular Website or All Websites in PHP INI Manager

Login to your cPanel Account

Search or locate “MultiPHP INI Editor” and open it.


Select Editor Mode Tab


Tap on “Select a location” option


Here you will find “Home Directory” and List on domains in your cPanel account.
Making Changes in Home Directory will change for all the domains while making changes for the domain will change only for that domain and rest are unaffected and will follow Global TimeZone Settings.
We will select domain some-domain.com domain from list.
Text Editor Opens for us on the screen. We will type below for IST TimeZone.date.timezone = “Asia/Kolkata”

You can find list of timezones here (http://www.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php).


Press save button.
Create test.php inside your domain directory and add following code and save file.<?php
// Show all information, defaults to INFO_ALL

Now open browser and open some-domain.com/test.php and you can see as following if steps followed correctly.


