المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : سكريبت Whmcs حل مشكلة حظر حساب الادمن Your account has been locked out

Rise Company
31-10-2020, 04:03
سكريبت Whmcs حل مشكلة حظر حساب الادمن Your account has been locked out
Admin is blocked by Two Factor Authentication- whmcs duo admin blocked
whmcs duo blocked me - whmcs admin account has been locked out
My IP was banned from my administrative area for failed login attempts. Can I un-ban myself?


المشكلة :

whmcs Your account has been locked out due to excessive authentication failures. Please contact your administrator.

نتيجة محاولات الخطا عند التحقق من خلال duo Security يحدث حظر

ولكن هذا الاحظر ليس IP وليس Account اى لا دخل whmcs فى حلها !!!

حيث بيكون الحظر تم من خلال موقع duo security ويجب رفع الحظر من خلاله

حل المشكلة :

فى منتهى السهولة قم بالذهاب الى موقع https://duo.com ثم اعمل login

للحساب الذى قمت بربطه مع whmcs وهتجد ان admin معمول له lock قم بجعله Active


حل اخر : ادخل على قاعدة البيانات وابحث عن tbladmins وهتجد بداخله الادمن المسجل

افتحه وهتجد عند خانة authmodule يوجد امامها duosecurity قم بازالتها

ولكن هيتطلب اعادة تثبيت duosecurity من جديد للادمن وهيقوم بغلقه


الافضل ارفع الحظر فقط من موقع dosecurity

https://docs.whmcs.com/Two-Factor_Authentication#The_code_you_entered_did_not _match_what_was_expected._Please_try_again

Rise Company
31-10-2020, 04:03
My IP was banned from my administrative area for failed login attempts. Can I un-ban myself? If three consecutive failed administrator login attempts are made that IP address will be blocked for the amount of time specified in your security settings (http://docs.whmcs.com/Security_Tab) to prevent against dictionary password attacks. You have several options here, you can wait for the ban to expire at the time displayed on in the error message, you may login from a different IP address, or if you would like to remove the ban, you may follow these instructions:

Using a MySQL administrative tool such as PHPMyAdmin, select the WHMCS database to use
Browse to the tblbannedips table
Locate the row containing your IP address and remove it from the table (usually a red 'X' icon)

The ban will now be removed and access and you should now be able to access your WHMCS administrative area once again. Should you find yourself getting banned often, we recommend adding your IP address to the Setup > General Settings > Security tab > Whitelisted IPs (http://docs.whmcs.com/Security_Tab#Whitelisted_IPs) list.