المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ووردبريس WordPress اعادة ضبط اعدادات how to reset All In One WP Security

Rise Company
10-11-2020, 01:25
ووردبريس WordPress اعادة ضبط اعدادات how to reset All In One WP Security
كيفية عمل reset لاضافة All in one Wp Security عند فقدان رابط WP Login page
حل مشكلة فقدان بيانات لوحة تحكم الووردبريس Locked out from login
Forgot WP Login page after using All in one Wp Security and Firewall plugin

This plugin allows you to reset all the settings configuration of the All In One WP Security and Firewall Plugin (https://www.tipsandtricks-hq.com/wordpress-security-and-firewall-plugin) easily.
Useful for cases when you may have locked yourself out and you need to reset the main security plugin’s configuration and start over.

Plugin Installation and Usage

فى حالة فقدان رابط لوحة التحكم, لن تجد الرابط فى ملفات الموقع او فى قاعدة البيانات

والحل الوحيد هناك Plugin مقدم من شركة All in one Wp Security

مخصصة لعمل reset للاضافة بشكل امن وممتاز.


Step 1) Deactivate the Main Security Plugin to Get Access to WP Admin Dashboard

If you don’t have access to the WP Admin dashboard, then deactivate the main security plugin using FTP.
This tutorial (https://www.tipsandtricks-hq.com/deactivate-wordpress-plugins-without-logging-into-wp-admin-video-tutorial-4375) explains how you can deactivate the main security plugin via FTP so you can log into your WP Admin dashboard.

Step 2)Download the AIOWPS Reset Settings Plugin

Download the AIOWPS Reset Settings plugin by clicking here (https://www.tipsandtricks-hq.com/wp-content/uploads/plugins/wp-security/aiowps-reset-settings.zip).

Step 3) Install the AIOWPS Reset Settings Plugin

Use the following steps to install this plugin:
Go to the Add New plugins screen in your WordPress admin area

Click the upload tab

Browse for the plugin file (aiowps-reset-settings.zip)

Click Install Now and then activate the plugin

Step 4) Go to the Settings Page

Access the settings page of this plugin by clicking on the “Settings” link from the plugins list.


You can also access the settings page of this plugin by going to the following interface:
WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> AIOWPS Reset

Step 5) Use the Reset Settings Button to Reset the Configuration

Use the “Reset Settings” button to reset all the configuration of the main security plugin. So you can start fresh with that plugin again.


