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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ووردبريس WordPress كيفية ترتيب المنتجات Manual Reorder Products in WooCommerce

Rise Company
21-10-2021, 00:56
ووردبريس WordPress كيفية ترتيب المنتجات Reorder Products in WooCommerce
How to Sort WooCommerce Products Manually - Rearrange Products Manually


WooCommerce Customizer

Access the WooCommerce customizer through Appearance > Customize >WooCommerce.

Then go to the Product catalog section. Here, under default product sorting,
you will find five options to set the default product display order.
These are:

Default sorting with custom ordering and name.
Popularity (sales)
Average rating
Sort by most recent
Sort by price (asc)
By price (desc)


You can choose one of the options to sort products on your WooCommerce store

Custom ordering of the product list

Now if you have selected Custom ordering, you will be able to change the order from your product list. Click ‘Sorting’ and then drag and drop products to reorder them according to your custom requirement.


You can click sorting and then simply drag and drop to rearrange the order of your products.

Reordering individual products

WooCommerce offers an option to specify a custom ordering position for individual products in the Product Data meta box. You can choose from ‘0’ onwards with 0 getting the highest priority. If there are multiple products with the same priority, they will be arranged by alphabetical order.


Choose a menu order for individual products
