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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ويندوز 11 Windows حل مشكلة fix Desktop/Explorer does not refresh automatically

Rise Company
26-05-2022, 03:35
ويندوز 11 Windows حل مشكلة fix Desktop/Explorer does not refresh automatically
مشكلة paste لا يظهر ويتطلب عمل refresh لظهور ما تم عمل له cut / copy
How to fix Desktop or Explorer not showing newly created file and folder until manually refresh in Windows 11
How to fix Desktop or Explorer does not refresh automatically in Windows 11
How to solve Desktop / Explorer Does Not Automatically Refresh When Copying/Moving/Renaming/Deleting Files & Folders in Windows 11
Win 11 (64 bit) File Explorer Does not Auto Refresh - Why do I have to Manually Refresh Library Folders after Copy/Paste File?
Explorer Does Not Immediately Show Updates to Files Deleted Or Pasted


1. Go to Registry editor (regedit.exe)

For 64-bit based computer, locate this key address HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID
For 32-bit system base, locate this: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID

2. Right click on CLSID, hover to New and click on Key.


3. Use this as key name: {BDEADE7F-C265-11D0-BCED-00A0C90AB50F}


4. Right click on the newly created key, hover again to New and choose Key. Name it as Instance.


5. Now, right click on Instance, Hover your mouse to New, choose the ~WORD Value (DWORD is for 32-bit, and QWORD is for 64-bit) and name it as DontRefresh. ~WORD value should 0 (Zero).


6. Restart the computer.

This should get the job done. Base on our further tests, for some reasons, DWORD also work with 64-bit. You can try both files, one at a time. Just be sure to delete the first ~WORD that did not work.

يمكنك ايضا

I ran CHKDSK from the command prompt and that seems to have fixed some things and it worked again.

https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-files-winpc/win-10-64-bit-file-explorer-does-not-auto-refresh/703492e6-dffb-4344-9699-7e41b2c4ddee#:~:text=%20Win%2010%20%2864%20bit%29% 20File%20Explorer%20Does,is%20for...%206%20Restart %20the%20computer.%20See%20More.