المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : كلاود لينكس Cloud Linux حل مشكلة This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux

Rise Company
21-08-2022, 00:15
كلاود لينكس Cloud Linux حل مشكلة This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux
Failed to check whether running executables are up-to-date: The system received unexpected output from “/usr/bin/needs-restarting”: This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server.
Security Advisor failed to run with unexpected output


المشكلة :

an issue appear Inside cPanel Security Advisor :

Failed to check whether running executables are up-to-date: The system received unexpected output from “/usr/bin/needs-restarting”: This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server.

and after cPanel & WHM update failure in upcp script:

[2022-08-20 21:53:39 +0200] E [/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/find_outdated_services] STDOUT: This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server.

I tried "needs-restarting" script then "yum clean all" then reboot the server but still the issue since month till now.

حل المشكلة :

ادخل هذا الامر


ثم ادخل

yum clean all

ثم ريستارت للسيرفر

اذا لم تحل المشكلة تواصل مع الدعم

اثناء فتح تذكرة هيطلب من Doctor Key وهو رقم للدعم الفنى يوضح بيانات السيرفر

من هذا الامر

wget -qq -O - https://repo.cloudlinux.com/cloudlinux/cldoctor/cldoctor.sh | bash

* ملحوظة :
المشكلة فى الغالب هيكون حلها من الدعم الفنى cPanel وليس كلاود لينكس
لذلك يفضل التواصل معهم الاول من داخل whm اذهب الى support.



تم مراسلة الدعم الفنى cPanel من خلال Ticket
واخبروا انها مشكلة معروفة ولكن يمكن تجاهلها فانها تعمل
ورسالة الخطا غير صحيحة وهيتم اصلاحها قريبا.

This is a known issue with CloudLinux 8 and Security Advisor. The output below is unfamiliar to Security Advisor, so it throws a warning, but this can safely be ignored:

[04:59:27 server root@94476988 ~]cPs# /usr/bin/needs-restarting
This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server.

We have published and outlined more information in the following support article:

Security Advisor failed to run with unexpected output (https://support.cpanel.net/hc/en-us/articles/4404419242007-Security-Advisor-failed-to-run-with-unexpected-output?source=search&auth_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIj o5Mjc3OTc5LCJ1c2VyX2lkIjozOTI1OTAzMTA1NTQsInRpY2tl dF9pZCI6OTQ0MTk4MDEsImNoYW5uZWxfaWQiOjYzLCJ0eXBlIj oiU0VBUkNIIiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ4MzA0NzI5fQ.9yR7VC-m9F52A57UIN5E54k7WO01W3_VDii98IoCf4E)

Our developers are aware of this issue and are working on a fix. It is currently only a UI issue, as running the needs-restarting binary from SSH works properly. For the time being, the UI report can be safely ignored. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any further questions or concerns, cPanel Support is always here to help.
