المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : السي بانال WHM/cPanel تحويل دومينات switch main domain and parked domain in account

Rise Company
25-01-2023, 13:56
السي بانال WHM/cPanel تحويل دومينات switch main domain and parked domain in account
Convert Parked Domain to it's own cPanel account
How to convert a Parked (Alias) domain to an Addon domain
Change account main domain with a parked domain

المطلوب :

One client has domainA.com as main domain, and domainB.com as a parked domain. Is it possible to switch the two, makingdomainB.com the main account and domainA.com the parked domain in cpanel? the data of domainA.com should show up in domainB.com

in short, when the customer logs into his account, he should see domainB.com and not domainA.

التنفيذ :

One solution would be to:
1. Remove domainB.com as a parked domain
2. Go to WHM, modify this cPanel account
3. In the domain field, change domainA.com to domainB.com
4. Click "Save" and wait for the process to complete
5. Add domainA.com as a parked domain

عند حذف parked هتختفى معه الايميلات ولكن لن يحذف مجلدات الايميلات
فبمجرد اعادة اضافة الدومين مرة اخري هتظهر الايميلات معها
لذلك ببساطة اعمل حذف ثم rename ثم اضافة parked
وتلقائيا كل شىء تم ربطه

تجربة مقتبسة

I wanted to give you some real world experience, when I did this exact same thing: Switch a Parked Domain (DomainB.com) with the main domain (DomainA.com):

The customer had email accounts with both DomainA.com and DomainB.com, and also had some email forwarders for only DomainA.com.

Here are the steps I took, and what resulted:

1) In cPanel, I documented the email accounts and forwarders (simple copy and paste to a text file)

2) In cPanel, I clicked on Parked Domains and removed DomainB.com from being a parked domain.

3) In WHM, I modified the account by changing the domain from DomainA.com to DomainB.com.

4) In cPanel, I noticed that all of the email accounts (both for DomainA.com and DomainB.com) are still intact. However, all of the email forwarders were changed to DomainB.com!

5) In CPanel, I went into Add-on Domains and added DomainA.com as an Add-on domain (we decided we wanted it to be an Add-on and not Parked, so that we can track statistics of the usage of DomainA.com -- when you Park, you do not get separate stats)

6) In cPanel, I went into Redirects, and redirected DomainA.com to DomainB.com, "with and without www" and "wildcard" both enabled. Now, if you go to DomainA.com, it redirects to http://www.domainb.com/somepage.htm. Perfect!

7) In cPanel, I had to delete the existing forwarders, since they were now for the wrong domain (DomainB.com), and then recreate them with the correct domain (DomainA.com). Thankfully, all email boxes are all OK!

So, that is my experience, your mileage may vary. I hope this helps.

تجربة شركة رايز
العميل له دومين اساسي aaa.com مضاف عليه alias domain باسم bbb.com
الاساسى عليه موقع wp و الاخر لا + كلاهما عليهما ايميلات كثيرة جدا جدا
المطلوب ؟ هو ان يكون alias domain هو main domain والعكس صحيح
وان يكون الموقع wp باسم الجديد

نتيجة التجربة :

تم عمل ذلك بمنتهى السهولة دون عمل اى شىء manual
1- ثم حذف alias واختفت الايميلات ولكن ملفاتها لم تحذف "ممتاز"
2- تم تعديل الدومين الاساسي الى البديل bbb.com من whm
3- تم اضافة دومين alias للدومين aaa.com
4- تم تعديل رابط قاعدة بيانات الموقع من phpmyadmin

لم يحدث اى مشاكل فى الايميلات نهائيا
ايميلات aaa.com اصبحت كما هى و ايميلات bbb.com اصبحت كما هى
لان المجلدات جميعها لم تفقد رغم التحويل الذى تم بين main و alias
