المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : سكريبت Whmcs حل مشكلة فواتير الدومين domain invoices not generated

Rise Company
31-01-2023, 11:58
سكريبت Whmcs حل مشكلة فواتير الدومين domain invoices not generated
Domain invoices are not being generated
Domain Invoice Generation

المشكلة :

الاستضافة دائما تصدر فاتورة invoice ولكن لا يصدر للدومين invoice نهائيا سواء free ام لا

سبب المشكلة :

ان اختيار Auto Renew غير مفعل وهذا يعنى ان الدفع مرة واحدة وليس renewable
على الرغم انك تقوم بالتجديد manual الا انDisable Auto Renew يعنى ان الدفع onetime

حل المشكلة :




A domain record will not automatically generate a renewal invoice if Next Due Date is further in the future than the number of days you specified in the Invoice Generation setting (https://docs.whmcs.com/Automation_Settings#Invoice_Generation):
1. Go to Configuration > System Settings > Automation Settings.
2. Find the Invoice Generation value:

3. Go to Domains > Domain Registrations.
4. Search for and click on the domain.
5. Find the Next Due Date value and check whether it is further in the future than the Invoice Generation value specifies.

For example, if today's date is 1st Jan 2022:
Next Due Date: 14th Jan 2022
Invoice Generation: 14
= Invoice will generate today.

Next Due Date: 15th Jan 2022
Invoice Generation: 14
= Invoice not generated today.

If the invoice is not yet due for automatic renewal, you can renew the domain early via the Client Area shopping cart or in the client's Summary tab (https://docs.whmcs.com/Products_Management#Invoicing_Early).
