المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حل مشكلة TV screen flicker a lot when connected to my laptop via HDMI

Rise Company
24-02-2023, 18:25
حل مشكلة TV screen flicker a lot when connected to my laptop via HDMI
hdmi black screen flicker - Screen flickers while on HDMI


المشكلة :

اثناء توصيل hdmi بين الكمبيوتر و الشاشة , تجد كل فترة فلاش اسود يفصل hdmi
ثم ترجع الصورة مرة اخري سواء كان الكابل قصير ام طويل

حل المشكلة :

I just fixed my flickering with my 4K insignia. First, I had to go to display and change it from displaying on both my laptop and tv, changed it to only tv by selecting display only 2. Then I went to advance display settings, clicked on display adapter properties for Display 2, go over one tab to Monitor, and change the screen refresh rate to 30hz instead of 29. No more blinks!

حل مؤقت

انك تعدل refresh rate فى الكمبيوتر من 60 الى 30
هذا الحل يعمل 100 % لكن تفقد امامها الجودة
ولاننصح به لانه غير عملى
حل اخر دائم

هيحل المشكلة التى يسببها noise
اجعل كهرباء التلفاز فى فيشة كهرباء مستقلة
نقصد هنا من مصدر كهرباء اخر مثلا : من غرفة اخري
لان سبب المشكلة هنا وجود جهاز او ادابتور به خلل فى توزيع الكهرباء
قد يكون power supply لكاميرات مراقبة او غيره بمجرد فصل مسار الكهرباء
هتجد ان التلفاز لا يؤثر عليه اى noise بسبب غيره
هذا الحل يعمل 100 %


Rise Company
24-02-2023, 18:46
I believe I was able to resolve this issue. There is a combination of things that work, and you may have to modify the steps for you.

The first step is to turn off UHD in your TV settings. I only use Samsung TVs, but it is either called HDMI UHD or Input Signal Plus. For some reason, this setting causes constant flickering. Something I noticed on the Samsung TV is that, even if you turn Input Signal Plus off, if you have "Game Mode" turned on or set to "Auto", it will automatically enable Input Signal Plus periodically and cause the flickering to return.

I turned off Game Mode and Input Signal Plus, and the flickering went away.

Another setting that you can mess around with is in the NVIDIA Control Panel, and allows it to work even if Input Signal Plus is turned on.

Open NVIDIA Control Panel > Display > Change Resolution > Choose your TV > Scroll down to "Apply the following settings" > "Use NVIDIA color settings" > change "Output color format" from "RGB" to "YCbCr422"

This color format appears to reduce bandwidth and also eliminates flickering. The only issue is that this setting seems to occasionally reset itself and cause the flickering to return.