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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ووردبريس wordpress حل مشكلة Menus no longer available under Appearance

Rise Company
19-11-2023, 23:36
ووردبريس WordPress حل مشكلة Menus no longer available under Appearance
your theme does not support navigation menus or widgets.
How to Fix Appearance Menu Missing in Word Press
Menu Appearance Not Showing in Word Press
WordPress Appearance Widgets & Menus Missing
WordPress Menu Disappear From Admin Panel


المشكلة :

Recently WordPress has released their new version 5.9. Where WordPress has used the twenty twenty-two theme as their default theme, And when this theme is active, the WordPress menus option disappears from the appearance list.
As a result, customers around the world have been disturbed in many ways. Many people are blaming many plugins for this.
Of course, it is not possible to say exactly whether it is a bug or not. WordPress has disabled this in its default theme. Due to this many customers have suffered. So today I will describe in this article how to solve the WordPress menu if the menu option disappears or if the menu option is not in Appearance, after updating WordPress.




حل المشكلة :

استخدم اى ثيم Theme قبل twenty twenty two مثل twenty twenty
وهتجد ان menu ظهرت عكس الاصدارات الحديثة التى دمجت menu كـ blocks
حتى يكون كل شىء فى مكان واحد لكن اذا كنت تستخدم elementor فالحل هو اعادة تفعيلها
من خلال كود يتم وضعه فى functions.php او استخدام ثيم يدعم هذه المنيو.

function register_my_menu() {
register_nav_menu('header-menu',__( 'Header Menu' ));
add_action( 'init', 'register_my_menu' );

شاهد ايضا

