المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : كلاود لينكس Cloud Linux + لايت سبيد سيرفر lite speed server و PHP Handlers

Rise Company
16-01-2024, 20:50
كلاود لينكس Cloud Linux + لايت سبيد سيرفر مع SuPHP vs CGI vs Mod_lsapi
Did Mod_lsapi supports with CloudLinux and LiteSpeed ؟
How to install CloudLinux's mod_lsapi PRO on cPanel
Mod_lsapi to improve performance of PHP sites
لايت سبيد سيرفر lite speed server و PHP Handlers


ما هو PHP Handlers المناسب عند تثبيت كلاود لينكس + لايت سبيد سيرفر ؟

الجواب هنا لا يوجد فرق فليس له قيمة اختياركم !!!
نعم لان بمجرد تثبيت لايت سبيد سيرفر هيكون لديك نظامين واحد منهم يعمل
الاول apache الافتراضى اما الثانى litespeed
اذا عمل ستارت للاول هيتوقف الثانى والعكس صحيح

يعنى اختيارك لن يفيد الا اذا عطلت Litespeed
او كان اختيارك للكلاود لينكس فقط بدون اللايت سبيد


لكن لا ينصح بتثبيته فى وجود سيرفر لايت سبيد لانه يتعارض معه

mod_lsapi Incompatibility

LSWS is not compatible with mod_lsapi so we recommend disabling it before installing LiteSpeed. All the functionality that mod_lsapi offers is already built directly inside of LSWS, so mod_lsapi is unnecessary, and in fact may cause issues and performance decreases.


CloudLinux and LiteSpeed are Installed, did I need to install Mod_lsapi ?
Will it help me to speed up and fast websites hosted on my server ?

بمجرد تثبيت litespeed server بيتوقف apache يعنى ليس كلاهما يعمل بجانب بعض

If you are using Litespeed, you don't need to install mod_lsapi, lsapi is integrated in litespeed. mod_lsapi is module for Apache. Litespeed has this module in itself already. If you are using litespeed the handler settings are useless, litespeed uses the integrated lsapi handler.

So if I set CGI or SUPHP or LSAPI it will not used? Also my External Apps are empty so You are sure all things work smooth?Yes right, handler selections are disabled when litespeed is active because litespeed uses its own lsapi handler. It is not a problem if the external app section is empty, but if you want to make version-specific settings, you can create these fields. If there is no external app definition, the default settings in the PHP tab are valid.

If I don't have LiteSpeed and only cloudlinux then I should also consider mod_lsapi and use lsapi as handler because its fast? If you are not using Litespeed, I would definitely recommend using mod_lsapi. If you have cloudlinux mod_lsapi will work with pro features, this will make mod_lsapi work with more advanced features.
