Console logs / Debug -
Phone Gap / Cordova
, debug
cordova plugin console
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-console
index.js function onDeviceReady
console.log("console.log works well");
Google Chrome Console
R.CLick Inspect " Ctrl+ Shift+I "
cordova.js :
index.html:26 GET file:///C:/riseapp/risecordova/app1/www/cordova.js net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
you can not test your application on chrome. cordova.js file will be embedded after building the project. try building and deploying your app on the device or emulator.
cordova.js www app1\platforms\android\platform_www
build apk
if you want to avoid these errors goto
/platforms folder. after building the project all your files and a copy of cordova.js are there. if you open your applications main page form that folder you wont get file not found error.
<script src="cordova.js"></script>
When you run
cordova platform add android and then
cordova build android, you should get a
cordova.js added project/platforms/android/assets/www folders. You don't need to add it in your js files. so, just declare it in index.js file as follows,
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