CacheWall Varnish Cpanel
Using caching CacheWall Varnish on a cPanel account?
What CacheWall?
CacheWall is a cache server in front Apache. It allows to
cache the content of your website in order to
improve performance , reduce load time and
use of resources .
How CacheWall Varnish does it work?
When a request is made on your website, Apache generally accepts the request, retrieves the content and returns the visitor. As for the dynamic content like PHP pages) that contain code,
the code must be processed and executed every time one reaches the PHP page . Treatment of this code
requires time and server resources , which can entrainter minor delays loading a web page.
In most cases, a PHP page will return the same content. Consider a Wordpress blog. When someone visits your website, PHP is running in the background to check for new messages and display to the user. The fact of analyzing the code to retrieve the new message and display it may take time. If you do not update your blog once a week, it can consume resources unnecessarily.
To avoid this, it is possible to implement a cache that will store a copy of your page. Which will
serve directly to the user's cached page rather than waiting for the analysis of PHP code on your
formula cPanel Cloud Server .
To understand the
functioning of CacheWall Varnish , it is at first necessary to understand how this happens when there is no cover.
- The client web browser will, for example, ask the index.php page of a website
- The web server will start running PHP requested page
- Once the processing performed, the result will be passed to the Web server
- The web server will send the generated page to the visitor.
As you
'll activate CacheWall Varnish on your cPanel interface , CacheWall will be placed before the server to intercept all requests. For each request, it will
check for cached files exist for the requested resource. If this is the case, the
cached files will be sent to visitors , otherwise, it will send a request to the Web server to verify that caching of the requested page is possible.
How long cached pages?
Various types of contents are cached for different time periods. The principle is that static files (such as images, CSS, JavaScript) that generally change very little
are cached for a period longer than PHP pages that they serve dynamic content. By default, the cache duration is as follows:
PHP and other dynamic files : 5 seconds
Static files : 1800 seconds (30 minutes)