ãÇí ßáÇæÏ My Cloud ÈÑäÇãÌ ÇáÈÇß ÇÈ ÇáÊáÞÇÆì Automatic Backup
WD SmartWare - Software that facilitates automatic and continuous backup of all your files
Installing WD SmartWare and creating an initial backup on a Windows computer

  1. Go to https://support.wdc.com and click on Downloads and go to WD Software.
  2. Go to Software for Windows and Download WD SmartWare.
  3. Save the download file on a location that is easy to access, such as the Desktop or the Downloads folder.
  4. Once the download finishes, open the .zip file and extract the software installer. Once done, run the application installer to start the installation wizard.
  5. After the Welcome to WD SmartWare Setup Wizard will appear, click Next.
  6. Read the Western Digital End User License Agreement, and once ready, check the I have read and agree to the EULA and WD's Privacy Policy the License Agreement check-box, and click Install.
  7. The WD SmartWare software will install on the system. This may take a few minutes.
  8. Click Finish once the setup has completed to exit the installer.
  9. If the product qualifies for a free upgrade to WD SmartWare Pro, fill out your name and email address and click Activate.
  10. Click Skip if you want to activate the WD SmartWare Pro later.
  11. To setup your first backup, select a Backup Source and a Backup Target and click Next.
  12. Choose your preferred backup plan: Category or File Backup and click Next.

  13. Select the backup frequency: Continuous or Scheduled Backup and click Next.

  14. For Category Backup, click on Advanced View to select the categories for backup, click on Apply Changes, and click on Enable Backup.
  15. For File Backup, select the folders or files for backup, click on Apply Changes, and click on Enable Backup.
  16. Click OK to confirm the backup plan configuration has completed.


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