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    ÇáÕæÑÉ ÇáÑãÒíÉ Rise Company
    Engineering and Technology
    ÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÊÓÌíá
    Apr 2014
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    ÇÝÊÑÇÖí ãäÊÏí ÇáÌíá ÇáÎÇãÓ vBulletin 5 | ÊÍæíá ÞÇÚÏÉ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ vBulletin 5 Database Tools

    ãäÊÏí ÇáÌíá ÇáÎÇãÓ vBulletin 5 | ÊÍæíá ÞÇÚÏÉ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ vBulletin 5 Database Tools
    ÊÍæíá ÊÑãíÒ ÞÇÚÏÉ ÈíÇäÇÊ ÇáãäÊÏì Ýì ÇáÌíá ÇáÎÇãÓ vb5 - ÓßÑÈÊ ãÞÏã ãä ÔÑßÉ ÝíÈæáÊíä
    ÊÍæíá ÞÇÚÏÉ ÈíÇäÇÊ ÇáãäÊÏì ãä latin Çáì utf-8 ÎÇÕ ÝÞØ ÈÇáÌíá ÇáÎÇãÓ
    VB5 tables to InnoDB and UTF8 encoding

    åÐÇ ÇáÔÑÍ ÈÊÇÑíÎ 20 ÇßÊæÈÑ 2019 ãÞÏã ãä ãæÞÚ ÇáÔÑßÉ ÇáÑÓãí

    The vBulletin Database Tools are a series of command line scripts that allow you to quickly make modifications to your database in order to provide performance fixes and update them to UTF8 standards.
    IMPORTANT- These files must be run via the command line, either if you have local access to the server or ssh access. If you are on shared hosting your access may be limited. You may ask your host for ssh access. If they say it is not available ask if they will run the commands for you.
    Update VB5 tables to InnoDB and UTF8
    Each script is listed under these steps with specific information for that script.
    Rename vbutil_config.php.new to vbutil_config.php

    Edit vbutil_config.php with a code editor and enter your database credentials. If unsure of the database credentials they can be found in the /core/includes/config.php file.
    Upload the utf8_db_tools directory to your server. They do not need to be in your vBulletin directory. They do need to be accessible from the command line.
    In forum Admin CP turn off vBulletin under Settings -> Options -> Turn your Forum On/Off
    Take a full backup of the forum database.
    Reread step 4. This cannot be skipped. I actually recommend using a full copy of your database for the first run.
    With command line change the directory to the directory where you placed the files.
    If you are not using INNODB tables, Run the MyISAM fix script listed below.
    This is only necessary if your are not using INNODB tables.
    If you are using English on your site, then you would run the UTF8Tablefix script.
    If you are not using English, do not use this script.
    Run the UTF8Convert script listed below.
    Wait again, this can take a long time, especially the node table.
    Run the Serialize fix script listed below.
    Wait a bit but this is usually fast.
    Go to your Admin CP and open Languages & Phrases -> Language Manager
    Edit the settings of each language. Check the HTML Character Set setting and if it isn't UTF-8 change it to UTF-8.
    Rebuild your search engine.
    Check forum, make sure it is working as expected.
    When you are finished, delete the utf8_db_tools directory from your server.
    Turn your vBulletin back on in the AdminCP Settings.


    This tool will convert vBulletin 5 tables to INNODB from MyISAM. This change will generally provide a performance boost to a website. In addition it can help prevent table crashes and improve replication services. Before running this, use your database tool to check if it is needed. If your tables are already INNODB, there is no need to run this. This file will only convert default vBulletin 5 tables. Tables from previous versions or addon products will remain untouched.
      php myisamfix.phar -dofix

    This script is only useful if you're converting an English Language database to UTF-8. It has no parameters or options. The command is:
      php utf8tablefix.phar


    For sites in other encodings or with multiple languages you need UTF8Convert. This script has several parameters. We recommend using UTF8MB4 with MySQL and MariaDB. This will allow you to use multiple languages properly as well as the popular UTF-8 Emoticon standard. This file will attempt to convert your actual data.
    php utf8convert.phar --options
    Required options are --connectionCharset and --charset. e.g.
      php utf8convert.phar --connectionCharset=latin1 --charset=utf8mb4

    All Options

    • --connectionCharset=[value] (required): This refers to whatever the previous site used. Commonly older sites will have latin1 and newer sites will have utf8, but it might be something different. This is the value from config.php for $config['Mysqli']['charset'], if specified. If the value is not specified in your /core/includes/config.php file it can be determined by running this query:

    SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE 'character\_set\_client';

    • --charset=[value] (required) : This is the new charset, and should always be 'utf8mb4'
    • --wipeSearch=1 (optional) : If set the utility will truncate all the searchtowords tables before converting. I recommend you always set this, for two reasons. First, there are often words that are NOT duplicates in one encoding but ARE duplicates in a different encoding. By far the easiest way to avoid these problems is to wipe the data. Second, the conversion process is time consuming for anything over a few hundred thousand posts, and setting this makes it quicker.
    • --collateCI=[value] (optional) : This will default to utf8mb4_unicode_ci. This is the recommended collation.
    • -–collatebin=[value] (optional) : This will default to 'bin' added to the charset.


    This will fix serialized fields after you have converted them to UTF8MB4. Your vBulletin may not work if you skip this step.
      php serializefix.phar

    Database Compare

    This is a database repair tool. It will compare two databases and create a list of queries to help synchronize the structures between them. This script should work with any version of vBulletin. To use it, set the Source values in the vbutil_config.php file to match a clean installation of vBulletin. This installation should match the version you want to compare with. The standard database options in the vbutil_config.php file should point to the database that is currently experiencing issues.
      php dbcompare.phar indexscript > update.sql
    You can run the queries by importing them in any tool that allows you to run MySQL Queries
      mysql -u%user% -p %databas% < update.sql
    Replace %user% and %database% as appropriate

    ÎØæÇÊ ÊÍæíá ÞÇÚÏÉ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ Çáì utf-8 ÈÔßá ãÎÊÕÑ

    # vBulletin Database Tools.

    The vBulletin Database Tools are a series of command line scripts that allow you to quickly make modifications to your database in order to provide performance fixes and update them to UTF8 standards.

    > IMPORTANT- These files must be run via the command line, either if you have local access to the server or ssh access. If you are on shared hosting your access may be limited. You may ask your host for ssh access. If they say it is not available ask if they will run the commands for you.

    ## MyISAMFIX

    This tool will convert vBulletin 5 tables to INNODB from MyISAM. This change will generally provide a performance boost to a website. In addition it can help prevent table crashes and improve replication services.
    php myisamfix.phar -dofix
    ## UTF8Table Fix

    When using non-English languages, the best practice is to store your data in UTF-8. We recommend using UTF8MB4 with MySQL and MariaDB. This will allow you to use multiple languages properly as well as the popular UTF-8 Emoticon standard.
    php utf8tablefix.phar
    ## SerializeFix

    This will fix serialized fields after you have converted them to UTF8MB4. Your vBulletin may not work if you skip this step.

    php serializefix.phar
    ## Update VB5 tables to InnoDB and UTF8

    1. Edit vbutil_config.php with a code editor and enter the database credentials. If unsure of the database credentials they can be found in the /core/includes/config.php file.

    2. Upload all files (other than readme.md) to your forum root directory
    3. Set all the .php and .phar files to chmod 755.
    4. In forum Admin CP turn off vBulletin under Settings -> Options -> Turn your Forum On/Off
    5. Take a full backup of the forum database
    6. With command line change directory to forum root directory
    7. Enter command: `php myisamfix.phar -dofix`
    - Wait, this can take some time...
    8. Enter command: `php utf8tablefix.phar`
    - Wait again, this can take a long time, especially the node table.
    9. Enter command: php serializefix.phar
    - Wait a bit but this is usually fast.
    10. Check the /core/includes/config.php file. Find the text:
    If it is set to latin1 such as:
        $config['Mysqli']['charset'] = 'latin1';
    Then change it to:
        $config['Mysqli']['charset'] = 'utf8';
    If it is already set to utf8 or "commented out" then leave the value as it is currently set.
    11. Go to your Admin CP and open Languages & Phrases -> Language Manager
    12. Edit the settings of each language. Check the HTML Character Set setting and if it isn't UTF-8 change it to UTF-8.
    13. Check forum, make sure it is working as expected
    14. When you are finsished, delete the myisamfix.phar, utf8tablefix.phar, serializefix.phar and vbutil_config.php files from your server.
    15. Turn your vBulletin back on in the AdminCP Settings.

    ## Database Compare

    This is a database repair tool. It will compare two databases and create a list of queries to help synchronize the structures between them. This script should work with any version of vBulletin. To use it, set the Source values in the vbutil_config.php file to match a clean installation of vBulletin. This installation should match the version you want to compare with. The standard database options in the vbutil_config.php file should point to the database that is currently experiencing issues.
    php dbcompare.php indexscript > update.sql
    You can run the queries by importing them in any tool that allows you to run MySQL Queries
    mysql -u%user% -Ap %databas% < update.sql
    Replace %user% and %database% as appropriate.

    ÔÇåÏ ÇíÖÇ :
    ãäÊÏí ÇáÌíá ÇáÎÇãÓ vBulletin 5 | ÊÍæíá ÞÇÚÏÉ ÇáÈíÇäÇÊ Åáì utf-8 æ INNODB

    ÇáÏÎæá Úáì ÇáÔíá ãä ÎáÇá ÇáÓí ÈÇäá Cpanel SSH Access with PuTTY


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  1. ãÔÇÑßÇÊ: 1
    ÂÎÑ ãÔÇÑßÉ: 17-02-2021, 23:36
  2. ãÔÇÑßÇÊ: 0
    ÂÎÑ ãÔÇÑßÉ: 30-12-2019, 14:52
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    ÂÎÑ ãÔÇÑßÉ: 30-12-2019, 06:38
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    ÂÎÑ ãÔÇÑßÉ: 30-12-2019, 05:39
  5. ãäÊÏí ÇáÌíá ÇáÎÇãÓ vBulletin 5 | ãÊØáÈÇÊ ÇáÊÑÞíÉ Recommended Requirements
    ÈæÇÓØÉ Rise Company Ýí ÇáãäÊÏì ÞÓã ãäÊÏí vb
    ãÔÇÑßÇÊ: 0
    ÂÎÑ ãÔÇÑßÉ: 30-12-2019, 04:01




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