Íá ãÔßáÉ php.ini files áÇ ÊÚãá ¿ ÈÓÈÈ PHP-FPM is enabled
How to Manage Your php.ini Directives with PHP-FPM

PHP-FPM doesn't use php.ini files so the php.ini file in the account's documentroot isn't used while PHP-FPM is enabled. The documentation here goes over this How to Manage Your php.ini Directives with PHP-FPM - cPanel Knowledge Base - cPanel Documentation

Íá ÇáãÔßáÉ :

áÇ íãßä Çä íßæä åäÇß ãáÝ php.ini Ýì ãÌáÏ user æÝì äÝÓ ÇáæÞÊ ÇäÊ ãÝÚá Pool
ãä ÎáÇá PHP-FPM is enabled ÇáÐì íÚãá php.ini ÈÏÇÎáå ãÎÕÕ áßá user
ÝÇáÍá åæ ÛáÞ PHP-FPM is disable ÇÐÇ ßäÊ áÇ ÊÍÊÇÌ áÊÝÚíáåÇ Úáì user ãËá ÇáÊÇáí :
