ÃäÏÑæíÏ ÇÓÊæÏíæ Android Studio ÓßÑíä ÔæÊ Taking screenshot on Emulator
Taking screenshot on Emulator from Android Studio
just click 3 "Take Screenshot". Standard location is the desktop
- Select "More"
- Under "Settings", specify the location for your screenshot
- Take your screenshot
Keeping the emulator on top of all other task on the desktop and pressing "
Ctrl + S",
also captures the screen shot and it is saved on default
(if, not edited) path(i.e. C:\Users\username\Desktop).
íÝÖá ÌÚáå Ýì D ÍíË ÇÐÇ ßÇä áÏíß antivirus ÞÏ íæÞÝ Úãáíå save Úáì desktop