ÇáÓí ÈÇäÇá WHM/CPanel Íá ãÔßáÉ ÇãÊáÇÁ tmp folder 100% full - ÑÓÇáÉ DISKCRITICAL
DISKCRITICAL files Mount Point “/var/tmp” Disk usage warning
cpanel /tmp” reached “critical” status - whm server has full inodes
DISKWARN blocks âš*: Mount Point “/tmp” - Disk Block Usage
The filesystem “/tmp” mounted at “/tmp” reached “warn” status because you currently use 89.54%

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Running out of inodes, but not out of disk space, usually means that you have a large number of very small files that use up many inodes but not necessarily much disk space. The most likely explanation is that there is code on the sites that isn't properly closing the session. You may want to examine the session files to see if you can determine what pages are leaving sessions on the server. These aren't areas that typically get cleared automatically, but you'll see the other directories are much smaller.
I wouldn't recommend deleting the directory itself, but you can delete the contents (the session files) and that will not cause an issue for the server.

ãÑÇÞÈÉ ÇáãÔßáÉ :

Check inodes usage

 df -i
df -h
Íá ÇáãÔßáÉ :

You can easily resolve that by simply running this command:

# cd /tmp
# rm -rf sess_*

Úãá ÑíÓÊÇÑÊ ááÓíÑÝÑ æÇÐÇ ÊßÑÑ íãßäß Úãá ÇáÊÝÑíÛ manual Þã ÈÚãá ÑíÓÊÇÑÊ ááÓíÑÝíÓ ÇáÊÇáíÉ

# service mysqld restart
# service httpd restart
After restarting services all deleted tmp files will be cleared.

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ÇáÓí ÈÇäÇá WHM/CPanel ßÑæä Cron ÊÝÑíÛ ÊáÞÇÆì clean /tmp

ÇáÓí ÈÇäÇá WHM Íá ãÔßáÉ ÇãÊáÇÁ ãÓÇÍÉ temp æÊÝÚíá inode usage
