ÓßÑíÈÊ Whmcs Íá ãÔßáÉ Could not instantiate mail function
Email Sending Failed: Could not instantiate mail function.
System Cron Job: Email Sending Failed: Could not instantiate mail function.
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ÙåæÑ ÑÓÇáÉ ÎØÇ ÏÇÎá áæÍÉ whmcs Ýì ÇÑÓÇá ÇáÇíãíáÇÊ
Íá ÇáãÔßáÉ :
The 'Could not instantiate mail function' error means you are using the PHPMail() 'Mail Type' option. The PHP Mail function uses the servers "mail" function which is not always reliable, nor does it generate a friendly error. Could not instantiate mail function means that when attempting to send the email, the server rejected it.
Switching to SMTP under Setup > General Settings > Mail tab would allow you to have more descriptive errors when an issue does occur and is usually more reliable when sending emails. The $smtp_debug line can then be added to the configuration.php file to see the full log from the server: