CloudFlare SOA Serial Number Format is Invalid / SOA Expire Value
SOA Serial Number Format is Invalid and SOA Expire Value out of recommended range
What is a DNS SOA record?

The DNS start of authority (SOA) record stores important information about a domain or zone such as the email address of the administrator, when the domain was last updated, and how long the server should wait between refreshes.
All DNS zones need an SOA record in order to conform to IETF standards. SOA records are also important for zone transfers.

SOA Serial Number Format is Invalid
SOA Expire Value out of recommended range


Cloudflare uses its own serial number system, and its not date-based.
SOA TTL is fine if its shorter than expected. That just means it refreshes more often.
These warnings can be safety ignored. Our serial number format is different than the format used by BIND
which is the most popular DNS server, but it doesnt impact anything

