acrotray.exe bad image Fix Acrotray.exe?
What is acrotray.exe? Windows Process Safe or a Virus? Remove acrotray error!
The genuine acrotray.exe file is a software component of Adobe Acrobat by Adobe Systems .
AcroTray stands for Adobe
Acro bat
Tray Icon
Acrotray.exe is an executable file (a program) for Windows. The extension for file names is .exe, and is an abbreviation for the term executable. Only run executable files from publishers you trust, as executable files can potentially change or damage your computers settings. Our forum allows you to find information about acrotray.exe in order to know if it is a virus, trojan, spyware, spyware in order to remove it, or if it is a Windows system file or a trusted application.
Solution for errors related to acrotray.exe
- Use the Windows Repair Tool to find the cause of the problem. Most of the time, this is very useful.
- Update Adobe Acrobat DC . You can find the necessary updates on the manufacturers website. (see next paragraph).
- Get some good information from the following paragraphs to find out what acrotray.exe can do for you.
Acrotray.exe file information
The process belongs to Adobe Acrobat DC or Adobe Acrobat software (version 9 Pro, 9 Standard, 9 Pro Extended, 2017, 3D, 3D version 8) or Adobe Acrobat XI Pro or Adobe Acrobat X Pro or Adobe Creative Suite (version 6 Master Collection , 5 Master Collection, 6 Master, 5 Master, 5 Design Premium, 5 Web Premium) or Adobe Acrobat X Standard or Adobe Acrobat XI Standard or Adobe InDesign (version CS6, CS5) or Acrobat System Tray Application or Adobe Common File Installer or Adobe Photoshop Elements (version 11, 12) or Adobe Fireworks(version CS6) or Adobe Prelude (version CS6) or Adobe Master Collection (version CC 2015, CC 2017) or Adobe Illustrator CC from Adobe Systems (
Description: The acrotray.exe process is used by the Adobe Acrobat System Tray Assistant which provides a shortcut to additional configuration options for Adobe products.
Detailed Analysis: Windows does not need acrotray.exe. Acrotray.exe is located in a subfolder of C: \ Program Files or sometimes a subfolder of C: \ Program Files \ Common Files. Known file sizes on Windows 10/8/7 / XP are 1,871,344 bytes (10% of all occurrences), 840,592 bytes and 43 more variants .
It is not a Windows core file. This program has an invisible window. The program is loaded when Windows starts (see Registry key: MACHINE \ Run , MACHINE \ User Shell Folders ). Digitally signed. Acrotray.exe is a Verisign signed file. Acrotray.exe is able to record entries. The technical security rating assigned is equivalent to
36% dangerous .
If you have any problem with acrotray.exe, you can uninstall
Adobe Acrobat DC or
Adobe Acrobat XI Pro software by using the Add or Remove Programs function in the Windows Control Panel , get help from the program vendor
Adobe or update
[1] [2] the program to the latest version.
Important: Some malware disguises itself as acrotray.exe, especially if it resides in the c: \ windows or c: \ windows \ system32 directory. Therefore, you should check the acrotray.exe process on your PC to see if it is a problem. We advise you to use
Security Task Manager to check how secure your system is.
User comments
It is a very useful Adobe application for creators and users of PDFs, some antivirus considers it as Virus or Worm, but it has never been dangerous. Do not delete it if you want to create PDFs.
BenSalem |
acrotray.exe is a process belonging to Adobe Acrobat Traybar Assistant which provides a shortcut to additional configuration options for Adobe products. This program is a non-essential system process, and is installed for ease of use. Do not delete if you want to take advantage of Adobe services. (more info) |
Recently, many users reported problems related to acrotray.exe. Many claim that acrotray.exe is damaging the performance of your system. And it is the culprit that is causing most of the problems on your computer.
Many claim that Acrotray.exe is a legitimate file in which a virus called Acrotray.exe invades our computer and creates serious problems.
You could say a lot about this, but without solid data and verification, we can not say for sure that it is a virus or a Trojan horse. However, if you also face this problem, we have found a solution in this guide.
We did all the background work, you just need to read the article carefully. And we hope that at the end of the article you will know the solution to this problem.
Lets start with the guide:
What is Acrotray.exe?
Acrotray.exe is just an executable file that is associated with Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard software.
This program is developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated and is a legitimate process that can be found running in Windows Task Manager.
This does not consume much power on the CPU. You dont have to do anything when youre using it. Some users claim that it is a virus or malware that breaks and causes a lot of damage to their computer.
Some claim that it consumes the power of CPUs and GPUs and causes your computers output to decrease significantly.
This will happen if users upload malware files from unauthorized websites instead of acrotray.legitimate exe.
You just need to run an antivirus search on your PC to make sure you have some harmful malware enabled or a legal executable.
When the antivirus check is completed and acrotray appears.exe. Read the instructions mentioned below to know what to do after finding this malicious executable file.
Is Acrotray.exe Safe, or is it a Virus or Malware?
To confirm if
acrotray.exe is a legitimate file or not, you must check the location of the file.
The address of this executable file is
C:\Program Files\adobe\acrobat 9.0\acrobat\acrobat.exe.
You will find this file here and not elsewhere.
When Windows Task Manager is opened go to View -> choose Columns and choose
Image Path Name to add an address column to your Task Manager.
It might be a wise decision to analyze this process further if you consider a suspect directory here.
Microsofts Task Explorer is another resource that often lets you spot wrong processes.
Open the program and switch on
Check Legends under Options (it does not need to be installed).
Now go to Screen-> Pick columns and add a column named
Verified Signer.
When the
Verified Signer is reported as
Unable to verify otherwise search for a second.
In all good Windows operations, there is no verified signature sign for neither positive nor negative signature.
Some important facts about
acrotray.exe that you should know are the following:
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Location: C:\Program Files\adobe\acrobat 9.0\acrobat\acrobat.exe.
- Size: 1.15 Mb
- Full Path: C:\Program Files\adobe\acrobat 9.0\acrobat\acrobat.exe
You must confirm the legitimacy of this executable file before you decide to delete or remove it from your computer. To do so, you can find this file in Windows Task Manager.
Once you find its location, you can compare it to the above-mentioned facts.
The suspicion that you may be diagnosed by a virus should be resolved quickly.
You can install a Full Security Program such as Malwarebytes to completely delete the
acrotray.exe virus. Note, not every tool can detect any type of malware, and various solutions should be tried until effective results are achieved.
Furthermore, the viruss configuration itself will cause
acrotray.exe deletion.
In this scenario, Secure Mode with
Networking must be allowed.
A protected system that deactivates most processes and just activates the tools and drivers are required. If you have a security program there, you should run an overview of the system.
Can I Remove or Delete Acrotray.exe?
Any protected executable file without a legitimate purpose should not be removed, because this can affect the performance of any programs associated with the file.
Make sure all the applications and systems are up-to-date to prevent potential file manipulation issues.
Program and test driver upgrades are frequent. As long as security improvements are concerned there is little to no chance of such issues.
Approximately 5 percent of individuals delete this file according to various reports online, and it may be secure, but you can test yourself if it is secure or a virus.
Therefore, you need to download a trustworthy program to encounter this issue. If the file is identified as harmful,
acrotray.exe will then be disabled and the related malware will be eliminated.
However, the best solution to these suspicious issues
is Reimage.
Is Reimage Repair Safe?
Reimage is reliable, and you can download it if you want to check your computer for malware damage, system errors, hardware problems, and similar system issues. However, to solve these problems, you will have to buy its full version. Reimage has a free limited scanner.
You may launch a complete system analysis using Reimage and it will help greatly.
If this is not a trojan or malware, but you need to disable
You can uninstall Epson Event Manager from a device by utilizing its uninstaller, located at msiexec /I
That is the most critical aspect of the programs workstation. If its not uninstallable, you may need to uninstall
acrotray.exe to completely remove it.
In the Windows Control Panel, you can use the
Add / Remove program option.
Also, You can completely delete this program from your computer if you no longer use Epson Creativity Suite and
To do so, select appwiz.cpl and click
Windows + R KEY simultaneously.
Find and uninstall or remove
Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard. in the list of installed programs.
Common Acrotray.exe Error Messages
You may encounter the following error messages regarding
- acrotray.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
- acrotray.exe is not running.
- Faulting Application Path: acrotray.exe.
- acrotray.exe not found.
- acrotray.exe failed.
- Error starting program: acrotray.exe.
- Cannot find acrotray.exe.
- acrotray.exe Application Error.
- acrotray.exe is not a valid Win32 application.
These.exe error messages may appear during a program launch, throughout its software execution, during Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard, during Windows initialization or shutdown.
Or even while you are downloading your Windows operating system. Having records of when and where the acrotray.exe mistake happens is crucial in solving problems.
How to Fix Acrotray.exe?
One of the easiest approaches to prevent Adobe Acrobat
9 Standard problems is with a clean and virus free computer.
This ensures the
malware scannings are completed, the hard drive is cleaned up by Cleanmgr and
You no longer need to uninstall programs, you control all self-start programs with MSConfig, so you can update the Windows automatically.
Do not overlook backup or at least identify restore points regularly.
You may try to recall what you did or the last thing you installed in your system before the issue you are facing turns into a bigger problem.
Using the command
resmon to classify the issue processes.
You can also attempt to fix the installation, or in the case of
Windows 8, you can execute the
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth command in case of critical problems, instead of reinstalling Windows.
This enables the operating system to be fixed without missing any data. You can sometimes consider that the following tools are helpful for analyzing the acrotray.exe mechanism on your computer.
The security task manager shows all active Windows tasks and synchronized hidden processes such as a keyboard and browser tracking.
The probability that it is Spyware, malware or a potential Trojan horse is indicated by a single security risk rating.
This antivirus application detects and removes spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, viruses, and trackers from your hard disk.
Download or Reinstall Acrotray.exe:
If you have chosen to uninstall the acrotray.exe, we suggest you not to consider downloading.
This program will contribute to many other Trojans or viruses being set up on your machine by
installing the application from the website.
Moreover, because they are hidden as executable files, you cant recognize such viruses.
Therefore, the software should be reinstalled when you have the choices to download or reinstall.
Adobe Acrobat
9 Standard may be reinstalled with the original application.
Operating System Information:
- Windows XP
- Windows ME
- Windows Vista
- Windows 2000
- Windows 7
- Windows 10
- Windows 8.1
Lastly, we hoped that now you know how to encounter problems related to
However, we would still like to remind you again that you must first verify if the executable is legitimate or a virus before you decide to take any action against it.
Having said that, we come to the end of our guide
acrotray.exe removing guide.
We are hopeful that we have provided you with all the information and solutions you needed to encounter this problem.
- ststem restore point
- startup disable AcroTray.exe
- adobe
- upgrade
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth