ÞäæÇÊ ÇáÈÑíÏ MailChannels ÌãíÚ ÇßæÇÏ ÇÎØÇÁ æ ãÔÇßá ÇáÇíãíáÇÊ Errors Codesâ

the most common Mailchannels error codes

Mailchannels Errors Codes

This article provides you with detailed descriptions
of the most common Mailchannels error codes.


550 5.7.1 [CS] Message blocked Spam

  • Message has been detected as Spam and blocked.
  • Non Delivery report sent to customer with reason.

How to Fix?

If false positive please contact 1-grid support to log a request with Mailchannels

550 5.7.1 [ESA] Sender blocked error

If you’re receiving this error, it means we have detected extensive abuse originating from your email account. Examples of abuse include:

  • Spam email
  • Bulk email
  • High complaint rates
  • Lots of invalid recipients

How can I unblock my account?

Secure your account by performing the following steps:

  • Change your password. Ensure your new password has a minimum length of eight characters and uses a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Verify that your operating system is running with the latest security updates.
  • Update your anti-virus software and conduct a full scan of your system to ensure that a spammer has not installed spam-sending malware on your computer.

550 5.7.1 [RBL] Sender blocked

If you’re receiving this error, it means your email message was sent from a server or domain that is currently listed as a high volume spam source by a reputable global black list.

How can I unblock my account?

550 5.7.1 [CS] Our system has detected that this message is a virus error

This message indicates that email originating from your account contains a virus.

How to Fix?
Secure your account against compromise by performing the following:

  • Change your password. Ensure your new password has a minimum length of eight characters and uses a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Verify that your operating system is running with the latest security updates.
  • Update your anti-virus software and conduct a full scan of your system to ensure that a spammer has not installed spam-sending malware on your computer.

If these steps do not resolve the problem, please contact 1-grid support by clicking here.

550 5.7.1 [IRR] error large number of invalid addresses

This error indicates that the email account has been blocked because the account has been sending emails to a large number of invalid addresses. Spammers often send to a large number of invalid recipients. A high number of invalid recipients will harm the IP reputation.

How to unblock my account ?

Please clean up your mailing list by verifying the email addresses you are sending to. You could use a website such as http://www.verifyemailaddress.org/ or http://mailtester.com/testmail.php for address verification.

Best practices to avoid this problem include the following steps:

  • Reduce the number of invalid recipients on your list by using double opt in (includes confirmation).
  • Remove invalid recipients from your list immediately. You will always have some invalid addresses due to people changing email addresses, but the lower the number, the better your reputation.
  • Only send to subscribers who have opted in to your list. Your contacts must subscribe to your emails and have valid email addresses. If they don’t and then mark your email as spam and we receive a feedback complaint, your account will get suspended temporarily or permanently.

***Once the mailing list is cleaned up and the number of invalid addresses goes down, you will be able to send mails automatically without any intervention from 1-grid support

550 5.7.1 [HIC] error – Abuse
If you’re receiving this error, it means we have detected abuse originating from your email account. Your account has probably been compromised.

How to Fix ?

Secure your account against compromise by performing the following:

  • Change your password. Ensure your new password has a minimum length of eight characters and uses a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Verify that your operating system is running with the latest security updates.
  • Update your anti-virus software and conduct a full scan of your system to ensure that a spammer has not installed spam-sending malware on your computer.
