WHM/cPanel import a Database Over SSH
MariaDB error 1044 Fix it now - cpanel restore db error 1044
Importing a database using SSH - Not able to import MySQL database using SSH
Error When Importing Database via SSH - SSH Importing a database
ssh import database password wrong - How to Import MySQL Databases in Command Line



we will go over the steps on how to import MySQL databases within your command line interface. Using this method is just as easy as importing via the PHPMyAdmin software. However, the command line interface is preferred when you need to import SQL files over 50MB.


Cpanel mesaseva_forum
username privilege
ls list


mysql -p -u mesa_forum mesa_forum < mesa_forum.sql

mariadb mysql

Importing a SQL Database via SSH

  1. Make sure you have your database created and a user attached to it. Please remember to copy or write down the information as you will need it in step 5.
  2. Upload your SQL file to the server by either using the File Manager or a FTP Client. It does not matter where you upload it, just remember its location as you will need it later in the steps.
  3. Log into your server via SSH.
  4. Navigate to where you uploaded the .sql file. For example, if you uploaded the file to your public_html folder, you would run the following command:cd /home/userna5/public_html
  5. Next, use the command below to import the database. Replace userna5_db with your cPanel username and database name, and replace userna5_user with your cPanel user and database user.mysql -p -u userna5_user userna5_db < yoursqlfile.sql
  6. This will prompt you for a password, here you will enter the password you used when creating the MySQL user that is associated with the database.

Congratulations you have now imported your SQL file into your database. If you had any issues along the way please let us know by commenting below.
