convert the server to Cloud Linux safe
Convert Centos to Cloud Linux in production
Convert to CloudLinux in production safe ?


have a hundred server in production that some accounts are consuming a lot of resources. I would like to convert to CloudLinux. Is the process safe? Do you have an article / tutorial for me to perform the procedure?


vps snapshot
Dedicated !
Boot Kernal

The process is perfectly fine. I've done it twice now and worked out perfect in both ocasions. If you are on a vps, make a snapshot though, or backup if you are running on a dedi/can't make snapshots, better safe than sorry

It is perfectly safe, and CloudLinux converter tools will take care of things. Yeah, make sure you take snapshot/backup for a worry-free switching.

you DO need a reboot after converting to cloudlinux because you get another kernel and they say so themselves. Besides that I've had a converted centos 7 vm not booting with a cloudlinux kernel on xenserver 6.5 once

