CSF Firewall LightSpeed Server quic.cloud
Adding QUIC.cloud IPs to Allowlist

QUIC.cloud CDN acts as a proxy service for your domain, and requires access to your origin server for uncached requests. However, various firewalls may potentially block QUIC.cloud IP addresses, either outright, or when making a frequent amount of requests.

To ensure QUIC.cloud is not blocked by your origin server, youll need to add the QUIC.cloud IPs to your firewalls ignore-list or allowlist.

NOTE: This is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of thing. In order to optimize global performance, we add and remove nodes frequently, which means the list of IP addresses also will change frequently.
Here is the current list, in various formats:

Please keep your server-level and application-level allowlists updated. Some of the firewalls listed below will do this for you, but others require you to manually maintain the list. If you dont have access to your domains firewall solutions, please forward this documentation to your hosting provider.

Config Server Firewall (or) CSF

IP List Requires Manual Update
If CSF is your primary firewall, there are three ways to allow QUIC.cloud IPs:

  1. Add them to the csf.ignore file in the lfd- Login Failure Daemon section within the CSF Dashboard (accessible from the Plugins section in WHM/Plesk).
  2. Add the list directly to the /etc/csf/csf.ignore file, and restart CSF to allow the changes to take effect.
  3. Use our script, either as needed, or on a daily basis via cron, like so:

wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/QuicCloud/scripts/main/csf/csf-auto-update.sh -P /opt/
chmod +x /opt/csf-auto-update.sh
0 0 * * * /opt/csf-auto-update.sh
More info here.


Requires One-Time Configuration
As of December 2023, you can set QUIC.cloud as a trusted proxy, and Wordfence will automatically update the IP list.

  1. Make sure that you are running the latest version of Wordfence.
  2. Navigate to General Options, and choose QUIC.cloud in the Trusted Proxies section.
  3. Click Save.
