ßáÇæÏ áíäßÓ Cloud Linux ÇÓÊåáÇß cagefs/tmp ãÓÇÍÉ ßÈíÑÉ clean up / delete
The huge size of the .cagefs directory - How to clean up CageFS /tmp files
It’s possible to delete tons of old sessions at /tmp folder?
Tmp files deleted accidentaly from CageFS folder. How to solve. Plz help!!!
I deleted all the files in my tmp folder and now my website says 'Error establishing a database connection'
How-to clean your /tmp directory with tmpwatch

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How-to clean your CageFS /tmp directory with tmpwatch
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1. The high volume is most likely generated by temporary files. You can clean these files manually with
cagefsctl --tmpwatch
2. By default, the tmpwatch script cleans up users' /tmp directories every 30 days/720 hours.

3. You can change the time constraints of tmpwatch:
cagefsctl --set-tmpwatch='/usr/sbin/tmpwatch -umclq 720'
Where 720 is the number of hours that the file had to be inaccessible to be removed.

By default, CageFS will clean up all the files that haven't been accessed in the last 30 days from the user's /tmp directory, however, this interval can be changed. You can set it to perform the cleaning every 6 hours, for instance, with the following command:

$ cagefsctl --set-tmpwatch='/usr/sbin/tmpwatch -umclq 6'
.cagefs directories contain CageFS configuration files so it is not recommended to remove them entirely. Most likely, there were some temporary files stuck, please check this documentation for more information:

To recreate .cagefs directory for a user, you can run:
cagefsctl -m USERNAME
To recreate .cagefs directory for all the users:
cagefsctl -M
