ßáÇæÏ áíäßÓ Cloud Linux Íá ãÔßáÉ cPanel is not supported by X-Ray
{"result": "Current CloudLinux edition: CloudLinux OS Shared or Control Panel: cPanel is not supported by X-Ray"}
CL Shared edition is not supported by X-Ray
Cron /usr/sbin/cloudlinux-xray-continuous



In some instances, you may start receiving messages like the following:
{"result": "CL Shared edition is not supported by X-Ray"}

What is this, and how to fix it if it needs to be fixed?

[This ticket was created from CloudLinux Manager]


  • CloudLinux OS Shared
  • PHP X-Ray


The issue is caused by the accidental installation of the X-Ray package (alt-php-xray) on a CloudLinux OS Shared server. The X-Ray feature is only available for CloudLinux OS Shared Pro, Solo, and Admin editions.

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{"result": "Current CloudLinux edition: CloudLinux OS Shared or Control Panel: cPanel is not supported by X-Ray"}
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Íá ÇáãÔßáÉ :

ÇÍÐÝ xray ãä ÎáÇá ÇáÇãÑ ÇáÊÇáì :
To avoid the error, please remove the conflicting package:

 yum remove alt-php-xray