حل مشكلة 550 the mail server detected your message as spam and has prevented delivery
SERVER is REJECTING AND BOUNCING OFF randomly without displaying anything
Remote server returned message detected as spam -> 550

المشكلة :

550 the mail server detected your message as spam and has prevented delivery
بعض الايميلات لا تصل الى السيرفر على الرغم من تعطيل SpamAssassin
ولا تجدها فى track delivery

حل المشكلة :

تاكد ان Apache SpamAssassin™: bounce spam score threshold
القيمة No bouncing by spam score

يجب تعطيل Greylisting فى فى الغالب هى سبب المشكلة .

شاهد ايضا

حل مشكلة 550 "The mail server detected your message as spam and has prevented deliver
