جوجل بلاي Google Play حل مشكلة Missing privacy policy
حل مشكلة Issue found: Invalid Data safety section
Google Play Store Warning: Privacy policy violation and how to solve it
SPLIT_BUNDLE 1: Policy Declaration for Play Safety Label:
Your app is not compliant with Google Play Policies

google play add Privacy Policy

Link to privacy policy generator web page:


حل مشكلة Issue found: Invalid Data safety section

Issue found: Invalid Data safety section

We reviewed your app's Data safety section in Play Console and found discrepancies between it and how the app collects and shares user data. All apps are required to complete an accurate Data safety section that discloses their data collection and sharing practices - this is a requirement even if your app does not collect any user data.
We detected user data transmitted off device that you have not disclosed in your app's Data safety section as user data collected.
Issue details
We found an issue in the following area(s):

  • SPLIT_BUNDLE 1: Policy Declaration for Play Safety Label: Device Or Other IDs Data Type - Device Or Other IDs (some common examples may include Advertising ID, Android ID, IMEI, BSSID)
  • SPLIT_BUNDLE 1: Policy Declaration for Play Safety Label: Location Data Type - Precise Location

ثم يجب تحديد الاجبارى وهو

  • SPLIT_BUNDLE 1: Policy Declaration - Data Safety Section: Device Or Other IDs Data Type - Device Or Other IDs (some common examples may include Advertising ID, Android ID, IMEI, BSSID)
  • SPLIT_BUNDLE 1: Policy Declaration - Data Safety Section: Location Data Type - Precise Location

ثم اذهب الى Publishing overview لكى تقوم جوجل بمرجاعة التغيير
