حل مشكلة حظر الاي بي IP من ارسال الايميلات الى Outlook, Hotmail
رابط رفع حظر الاي بي من الهوتميل / الاوتلوك
Please contact your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block list (S3140)

المشكلة :

لا يمكن ارسال اى ايميل من اى دومين الى الهوتميل بسبب انه تم حظر الاي بي من طرفهم
هذا الحظر للاي بي كامل وبالتالى اى دومين بداخله لن تصل الايميلات منه بسبب
ان الهوتميل ظنت ان الاي بي يرسل سبام منه.

حل المشكلة :

رابط رفع الحظر من هنا

* قم بتسجيل الدخول من اى حساب لديك hotmail ثم قدم الطلب
ومتوقع خلال 4 ساعات يصل الحظر اما بالموافقة او الرفض
مثل هذا الايميل

We have completed reviewing the IP(s) you submitted. The following table contains the results of our investigation.

Not qualified for mitigation
Our investigation has determined that the above IP(s) do not qualify for mitigation.

Please ensure your emails comply with the Outlook.com policies, practices and guidelines found here: http://mail.live.com/mail/policies.aspx.

To have Deliverability Support investigate further, please reply to this email with a detailed description of the problem you are having, including specific error messages, and an agent will contact you.

Regardless of the deliverability status, Outlook.com recommends that all senders join two free programs that provide visibility into the Outlook.com traffic on your sending IP(s), the sending IP reputation with Outlook.com and the Outlook.com user complaint rates.

Junk Email Reporting program (JMRP) When an Outlook.com user marks an email as "junk", senders enrolled in this program get a copy of the mail forwarded to the email address of their choice. It allows senders to see which mails are being marked as junk and to identify mail traffic you did not intend to send. To join, please visit


Smart Network Data Services program (SNDS). This program allows you to monitor the ‘health’ and reputation of your registered IPs by providing data about traffic such as mail volume and complaint rates seen originating from your IPs. To register, please visit http://postmaster.live.com/snds/.

There is no silver bullet to maintaining or improving good IP reputation, but these programs help you proactively manage your email eco-system to help better ensure deliverability to Outlook.com users.

Thank you,

Outlook.com Deliverability Support
اذهب الى هذا الرابط وقم بتسجيل الدخول ثم قدم طلب Request Access


ادخل اي بي السيرفر ثم قم بانشاء ايميل
[email protected]

حتى يصل لك التنبيهات فى حالة وجود اى مخالفة

ثم قم بالرد عليهم مثل هذا

We are a hosting company that provide emails services,
We are fighting spam ASAP with a csf firewall and monitoring emails in order to fight spam,

we never accept clients that use email for marketing purposes! PLS trust me we are all fighting spam and scam !
from a week ago we notice an email was compromised thus we changed the password for cpanel and webmail ,
the spam stopped after that,

by the way we bought that dedicated server ip from month ago ! and we have never used before!
we have no reputation used with this ip.

We also joined Smart Network Data Service.

اذا تم الرد عليك منهم انه لا يوجد سبب من ناحيتهم يجعلك محظور
ولا يستطيعوا افادتك لحل المشكلة , اذن الحل الوحيد هو الاتجاه مباشرة
لفتح تذكرة الى datacenter التابع لهم وهيطلب ssh وهيعمل شىء
يجعل فى الحال الايميلات تصل فى الحال الى hotmail دون اى مشاكل

الخلاصة :
عند حدوث ذلك لا تتعب نفسك افتح ticket بالمشكلة الى datacenter التابع لها.