سيو Seo الفرق بين Automatic Sitemap Generation vs change freq vs priority
ما القيم الصحيحة للـ changefreq و priority و lastmod و auto map generate
اهم القيم و الاعدادات الموجودة داخل الخرائط XML التى يتم تقديمها لجوجل Site Map
Automatic Sitemap Generation (Days) - تكرار الإنشاء التلقائي لخريطة الموقع (أيام)
“never” vs “yearly” vs “monthly” vs “weekly” vs “daily” vs “hourly” vs “always”

المنتدى لدينا من نوع bulletin من الجيل الرابع به اضافة داخل النسخة مختصة بـ site map
وهى تقوم بشكل تلقائى بتوليد الخريطة و القيم التى يمكننا التحكم فيها هى

Automatic Sitemap Generation (Days)
وهنا جعلناها كل يوم لان كل يوم هناك مواضيع جديدة وبالتالى نريد ادخالها فى الخريطة

priority قمنا بجعلها 1 اى الاكثر اهمية دائما اى كل المواضيع بداخلها لها نفس المستوي من الاهمية
مع وجود امكانية لتحديد الاقسام الاقل اهمية

هنا قمنا بفتح ملف sitemap والنظر بداخله ... ماذا يحتوي ؟

فى الصورة السابقة تحتوي على روابط للمنتدى منذ تاريخ 2009 وهذا موجود داخل نص اخر تعديل lastmod
الذى يوضح التاريخ و الساعة لاخر تعديل تم على هذا الرابط بجانب اخذ اطول مدة ممكنة للتعديل فى changefreq

هنا نجد تغير بعض القيم طبقا لمتوسط عدد المرات التي يتم تعديل المواضيع فيها

اهمية Priority & Change Frequency فى السيو

لا يوجد اهمية لهم بعد الان , حيث اخر تصريح لجوجل قالت انها اهملت تلك القيم

و هى تعتمد بنفسها على المسجل لديها فى قواعد البيانات لديها

As Google has evolved the past few years, they have made a few important comments about how they prefer to handle Changefreq & Priority.XML tags in your Sitemap.XML file. In this 2015 Google Hangout webmaster chat, Google’s John Muller commented on the decreasing importance of these two tags.
Essentially, Google highlighted that one of the more modern items to really pay attention to is the timestamp for any given page. This helps inform Google when a page was last updated. One of the biggest things Google seems to care about is ensuring that they are able to easily see when / how often content is updated, and that you are consistent in how you tell them that. The timestamp is a great way to do this.
For our purposes, we still feel that Changefreq & Sitemap.XML Priority settings are another important way to do that (especially for larger sites – see the note below), provided you follow the best practices outlined in this post. And of course, in light of the new comments, keeping the timestamp updated for new changes will now be of utmost importance as well.
Here is the full Q&A from Google:

Does priority and frequency matter in a sitemap?
If not, how can we tell Google to crawl specific pages on daily or high priority?
Priority and change frequency doesn’t really play that much of a role with Sitemaps anymore.
This is something where we’ve tried various things but essentially, if you have a sitemap file and you are using it to tell us about the pages that were changed or updated, it is much better to just specify the time stamp directly so that we can look into our internal systems and say we haven’t crawled since this date therefore we should crawl again.
And just crawling daily doesn’t make much sense if your content doesn’t change. So that is something where we see a lot of sites they give us this information in the sitemap, they said it changes daily or weekly, and we look in our database and it hasn’t changed in a month or years…
So what I’d really recommend is using the timestamp.