ووردبريس wordpress تغيير الباسورد Change Password من MySQL / PHPMyAdmin
Change / Reset WordPress password using MySQL / PHPMyAdmin

Method#1 – The Long way through PHPMyAdmin table editing

This method involves editing and updating the wp_users table values to reset our lost WordPress password. The method is little longer but is also easy enough to follow without knowing technical things.
Head over to PHPMyAdmin using your cPanel (or the hosting panel that your hosting service supports).
Click on your WordPress database.

Navigate to and click the table wp_users.

Edit the row with your WordPress username.

Now, in the user_pass field, change the function to MD5 and enter your new password in the Value section (refer below screenshot).

Click “Go” or similar option at the bottom to update the table values.


Method#2 – The Short way through MySQL

This methods implements the direct SQL query execution to update the wp_users table value to reset our hacked WordPress password.

Follow the first 3 steps of the above method.
Go to SQL or MySQL section in your PHPMyAdmin.

Now, enter the below given query:
UPDATE `wp_users` SET `user_pass`= MD5('yourpassword') WHERE `user_login`='yourusername';
Put your new password in place of yourpassword and replace yourusername with your WordPress username.

Click “Go” or similar option at the bottom to execute the query.