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  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية Rise Company
    Engineering and Technology
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2014
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي ووردبريس WordPress ووكومرس WooCommerce بلوجن Plugin بنك مصر banquemisr

    ووردبريس WordPress ووكومرس WooCommerce بلوجن Plugin بنك مصر banquemisr
    ربط بوابة دفع بنك مصر API مع ووكومرس Banque Misr woocommerce
    Hosted Checkout - Developer Reference Banque Misr woocommerce

    Integration Guide


    Sample Code for Common Scenarios

    Implementing a Hosted Checkout Integration


    Obtain the Payment Result

    Customize the Payment Experience

    شرح الربط pdf فى المرفقات


    Test Phase

    Merchant ID
    <Merchant ID>

    Merchant Name
    <Merchant Name>

    <Allowable currency>

    Integration Model:
    Hosted Checkout

    The Hosted Checkout model allows you to collect payment details from your payer through an interaction hosted and displayed by the MasterCard Payment Gateway. With this model of integration, you never see or handle payment details directly because these are collected by the hosted payment interface and submitted directly from the payer's browser to the MasterCard Payment Gateway.

    Hosted Checkout can be implemented as:
    • A Lightbox in a modal dialog over the top of your existing merchant website.
    • A Hosted Payment Page is a web page hosted and displayed by the MasterCard Payment Gateway.

    Order id must be unique in each transaction
    Or input ( '' ) in the order id field to be generated automatically by the gateway

    Configuration, Or see the merchant credential file that attached in the email
    Create Webhook notifications Secret, user name is: merchant.< merchant id >
    Create Api password, Api user name is: merchant.< merchant id >
    Viewing and download transaction ,


    Merchant ID : <Merchant ID>
    Operator id: Monitor
    Password: “Aa123456” must be changed after the first login

    Test Cards:

    Production Phase

    Requesting to go live
    After finishing the integration successfully you will use the Test cards from the mentioned URL above to make at least about 15 approved transactions
    Then you can be transferred to the live environment after requesting.

    Moving to the live environment
    After finishing the test phase we will provide you the following:
    - The live <Merchant ID>.
    - Live developer user to create the live webhook Secret or the live Api password.
    - Live Monitor user to Viewing and download the test (orders / transaction) and Dashboard.

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    شاهد البدائل

    ووردبريس WordPress ووكومرس WooCommerce بلوجن Plugin البنك الاهلى

    دفع اونلاين Online Pay | بوابة ماي فاتورة myfatoorah رقم #1 على المستوي العربي

    دفع اونلاين Online Pay | بوابة باي موب / اكسبت PayMob / Accept أفضل بوابة دفع مصرية

    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة
    شركة رايز للهندسة و التكنولوجيا Rise Company for Engineering & Technology
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    www.rise.company | www.rise.company/emails

    ملحوظة : جميع خدماتنا مخصصة للشركات فقط وغير متاحة للافراد
    وليس لنا اى منتجات او صيانة نهائيا! يرجى الانتباه الى ذلك.

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