سكريبت Whmcs حل مشكلة Email Sending Failed - Invalid System Template Name

Invoices generated but not sent - client not receiving invoice email
WHMCS Error: Email Sending Failed - Invalid System Template Name

المشكلة :

عند اصدار الفاتورة لا يرسل ايميل للعميل بها ولا تذكير للفواتير بالايميل ايضا
وعند فتح حساب العميل و الذهاب الى Emails لا تجد ايميلات وصلت له للفاتورة

كيفية حل المشكلة ؟

اذهب الى اللوج وشوف cron الخطا به مذكور اى داخل System Activity Log

هتجد انه مذكور
Email Sending Failed - SMTP Error: Data not accepted. (User ID: 91 - Subject: Customer Invoice)

حل المشكلة ؟

مجلد التمبلت يجب ان يكون اسم المجلد من حروف و ارقام بدون رموز !!!
System Theme The theme you want WHMCS to use
The error occur because of custom template director within /whmcs/template.

To resolve the error:
Rename the custom template directory name, it should contain only numbers and letters.
Then go to WHMCS admin panel -> Setup -> General Settings -> General Tab -> Template, re-select template name and click Save Changes.


System emails are sent via PHP (unless you are using SMTP) so it will come down to how you have PHP and mail configured.


This error message indicates that your mail server has been changed to not allow emails to be sent from an address which doesn't exist. Check the email set in General Settings > Email Address and General Settings > Mail > System Emails From Email are both pop3 accounts which exist on your mail server

للتاكد من حل المشكلة , قم بارسال ايميل للعميل من هنا
