الويب ميل Web Mail التقويم Calendar حل مشكلة Server Error! (Internal Server Error)
Server Error! (Internal Server Error) when Deleting Calendar Event
after installing CCS plugin : Roundcube Calendar returns "Failed to save changes. while create / delete calendar
Cannot delete calendars created in RoundCube when the Calendar and Contacts Server is installed on cPanel 108
How do I convert Roundcube from MySQL to SQLite?
How to Convert Roundcube to SQLite

المشكلة :

بعد تفعيل CCS plugin : Roundcube Calendar returns
لا يمكن انشاء او حذف Calendar ويظهر خطا Server Error

After installing CCS plugin : Roundcube Calendar returns "Failed to save changes. while create / delete calendar , this happen on all my servers if i uninstalled Calendar and Contacts Server from Manage Plugins it's working.

When removing a calendar event in Roundcube, a message similar to the following is shown and the event is not removed: Server Error! (Internal Server Error)

سبب المشكلة :

The cPanel CCS plugin is incompatible with servers that use MySQL for Roundcube databases resulting in syntax errors.

وهتجد فى اللوج LOG الخطا

[server]cPs# tail /home/companyemail/logs/roundcube/errors.log
[26-Feb-2023 22:18:36 +0200]: <e967d990> DB Error: [1] no such column: NEW.calendar_id (SQL Query: DELETE FROM caldav_calendars_merged WHERE calendar_id='3') in /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_db.php on line 566 (POST /cpsess4240388833/3rdparty/roundcube/index.php?_task=calendar&_action=calendar)

حل المشكلة :

هذا الحل لن يعمل ولكن للعلم فقط
Convert the server to use SQLite for Roundcube
For a more stable, portable, and faster experience with Roundcube, user databases should be converted to SQLite from MySQL.

If you change Roundcube’s database to an SQLite database,
you cannot revert back to a MySQL database.

To convert the Roundcube database in cPanel & WHM from MySQL to SQLite,

ادخل هذا الامر لتحويل قاعدة البيانات

اذا ظهر لك هذا
info [convert_roundcube_mysql2sqlite] Roundcube conversion already occurred, bailing out.

هذا يعنى ان قاعدة البيانات محوله بالفعل
وبالتالى ليس للمشكلة علاقة بها !

After you convert the system to an SQLite database, you can use this script to troubleshoot issues with specific users. When troubleshooting a failed conversion, to convert the Roundcube data for a single cPanel user from MySQL to SQLite, run the same command with the user parameter, where user represents the database user:

ادخل هذا الامر لتحويل قاعدة البيانات لمستخدم محدد

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/convert_roundcube_mysql2sqlite user
Note, all users on a system must use the same database format. You cannot use this script to convert just one user and leave the rest using MySQL.

هل هناك خطر فى تحويل قاعدة البيانات ؟

Does converting MySQL Roundcube to SQLite Roundcube involve the risk of data loss?

There is no risk of data loss as cPanel creates a backup of MySQL Roundcube before converting. cPanel also retains the existing data to convert after the errors have been corrected in the event of error or conversion failure

اين الحل لهذه المشكلة ؟

I was able to replicate this issue on your server as well as a testing server, and have therefore filed this as an issue to our developers with case ID CPANEL-42492. I have also created the following article which provides further information on this as well: Cannot delete calendars created in RoundCube when the Calendar and Contacts Server is installed on cPanel 108

At this time, there is currently no workaround to this issue. You can follow this article to receive a notification when additional information is available.

تم فتح تذكره لدعم cpanel وقموا بالتجربة على السيرفر الخاص بنا واخر خاص بهم
ووجدوا ان المشكلة موجودة بالفعل وهى مشكلة عامة وعملوا مقاله بهذه المشكلة هنا

وفى انتظار الحل من جانبهم فى هذه المقاله.
