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    þÃÈæ ÇáÈÔÑ¡ ÎáÞå Çááå ÈíÏå æÃÓÌÏ áå ÇáãáÇÆßÉ æÚáãå ÇáÃÓãÇÁ æÎáÞ áå ÒæÌÊå æÃÓßäåãÇ ÇáÌäÉ æÃäÐÑåãÇ Ãä áÇ íÞÑÈÇ ÔÌÑÉ ãÚíäÉ æáßä ÇáÔíØÇä æÓæÓ áåãÇ ÝÃßáÇ ãäåÇ ÝÃäÒáåãÇ Çááå Åáì ÇáÃÑÖ æãßä áåãÇ ÓÈá ÇáÚíÔ ÈåÇ æØÇáÈåãÇ ÈÚÈÇÏÉ Çááå æÍÏå æÍÖ ÇáäÇÓ Úáì Ðáß¡ æÌÚáå ÎáíÝÊå Ýí ÇáÃÑÖ¡ æåæ ÑÓæá Çááå Åáì ÃÈäÇÆå æåæ Ãæá ÇáÃäÈíÇÁ.
    þAdam : Adam, the first man, was created by the Hand of Allah Who taught him all names, made the angels prostrate before him, and granted him the companionship of Eve with whom he was admitted to Paradise. In Paradise both Adam and Eve were warned against a certain tree, but Satan tempted them to eat from its fruit. As a result, Adam was descended to be Allah's vicegerent on earth, and, together with Eve, was provided with a means of living. As the first apostle of Allah, Adam was ordered to call his children to the worship of Allah the Only and True God.
    þãä ÓáÇáÉ ÓíÏäÇ ÅÈÑÇåíã ßÇä ãä ÇáäÈííä ÇáãæÍì Åáíåã¡ ßÇä ÃíæÈ ÐÇ ãÇá æÃæáÇÏ ßËíÑíä æáßä Çááå ÇÈÊáÇå Ýí åÐÇ ßáå ÝÒÇá Úäå¡ æÇÈÊáí Ýí ÌÓÏå ÈÃäæÇÚ ÇáÈáÇÁ æÇÓÊãÑ ãÑÖå 18 ÚÇãÇ ÇÚÊÒáå ÝíåÇ ÇáäÇÓ ÅáÇ ÇãÑÃÊå ÕÈÑÊ æÚãáÊ áßí ÊæÝÑ ÞæÊ íæãåãÇ ÍÊì ÚÇÝÇå Çááå ãä ãÑÖå æÃÎáÝå Ýí ßá ãÇ ÇÈÊáí Ýíå¡ æáÐáß íÖÑÈ ÇáãËá ÈÃíæÈ Ýí ÕÈÑå æÝí ÈáÇÆå¡ Ñæí Ãä Çááå íÍÊÌ íæã ÇáÞíÇãÉ ÈÃíæÈ Úáíå ÇáÓáÇã Úáì Ãåá ÇáÈáÇÁ.þ
    Job [Aiyub] : A descendant of Abraham, Job was a prophet who received Divine Revelation. He was a wealthy man and had many children. However, Allah caused him to lose all his fortune and sons and afflicted him with physical suffering that lasted for 18 years, during which all people deserted him. Only his wife persevered with him and worked to provide for him until he regained his health and was compensated for all he had lost. Job was so great an example of perseverance from suffering that on the Day of Judgment, Allah will make him a standard to refute the excuses of those who did not endure suffering.
    þåæ Îáíá Çááå¡ ÇÕØÝÇå Çááå ÈÑÓÇáÊå æÝÖáå Úáì ßËíÑ ãä ÎáÞå¡ ßÇä ÅÈÑÇåíã íÚíÔ Ýí Þæã íÚÈÏæä ÇáßæÇßÈ¡ Ýáã íßä íÑÖíå Ðáß¡ æÃÍÓ ÈÝØÑÊå Ãä åäÇß ÅáåÇ ÃÚÙã ÍÊì åÏÇå Çááå æÇÕØÝÇå ÈÑÓÇáÊå¡ æÃÎÐ ÅÈÑÇåíã íÏÚæ Þæãå áæÍÏÇäíÉ Çááå æÚÈÇÏÊå æáßäåã ßÐÈæå æÍÇæáæÇ ÅÍÑÇÞå ÝÃäÌÇå Çááå ãä Èíä ÃíÏíåã¡ ÌÚá Çááå ÇáÃäÈíÇÁ ãä äÓá ÅÈÑÇåíã ÝæáÏ áå ÅÓãÇÚíá æÅÓÍÇÞ¡ ÞÇã ÅÈÑÇåíã ÈÈäÇÁ ÇáßÚÈÉ ãÚ ÅÓãÇÚíá.þ
    Abraham [Ibrahim] : Abraham was the "Close One to Allah" Who preferred him over many others and selected him to be a messenger. Though brought up in a pagan community that worshiped idols, Abraham refused to do so and realized that there must be a greater god of the universe. Allah guided him to the right path and revealed His message to him. He then directed his mission to his people, and called on them to renounce idolatry. He was answered with stubborn refusals. They plotted against him but their schemes were in vain, for Allah, the Almighty, provided support and protection to His servant and prophet, Abraham. Abraham was the forefather of a line of prophets through his two sons Ishmael and Isaac. It was Abraham who began the construction of the Ka`bah with the help of Ishmael.
    þßÇä ÕÏíÞÇ äÈíÇ æãä ÇáÕÇÈÑíä¡ Ãæá äÈí ÈÚË Ýí ÇáÃÑÖ ÈÚÏ ÂÏã¡ æåæ ÃÈæ ÌÏ äæÍ¡ ÃäÒáÊ Úáíå ËáÇËæä ÕÍíÝÉ¡ æÏÚÇ Åáì æÍÏÇäíÉ Çááå æÂãä Èå ÃáÝ ÅäÓÇä¡ æåæ Ãæá ãä ÎØ ÈÇáÞáã æÃæá ãä ÎÇØ ÇáËíÇÈ æáÈÓåÇ¡ æÃæá ãä äÙÑ Ýí Úáã ÇáäÌæã æÓíÑåÇ.þ
    Idris : Idris was a grandfather of Noah and the first prophet after Adam to receive thirty Divine ******ures. He called for the Oneness of Allah and was followed by one thousand people. Idris was the first to write, the first to wear sewn clothes and the first to think about astrology.
    þåæ æáÏ ÓíÏäÇ ÅÈÑÇåíã ãä ÒæÌÊå ÓÇÑÉ¡ æÞÏ ßÇäÊ ÇáÈÔÇÑÉ ÈãæáÏå ãä ÇáãáÇÆßÉ áÅÈÑÇåíã æÓÇÑÉ áãÇ ãÑæÇ Èåã ãÌÊÇÒíä ÐÇåÈíä Åáì ãÏÇÆä Þæã áæØ áíÏãÑæåÇ Úáíåã áßÝÑåã æÝÌæÑåã¡ ÐßÑå Çááå Ýí ÇáÞÑÂä ÈÃäå "ÛáÇã Úáíã" ÌÚáå Çááå äÈíÇ íåÏí ÇáäÇÓ Åáì ÝÚá ÇáÎíÑÇÊ¡ ÌÇÁ ãä äÓáå ÓíÏäÇ íÚÞæÈ.þ
    Isaac [Ishaq] : Isaac was Abraham's son by his wife Sarah, and the father of Jacob. The tidings of his birth were given to his parents by the angels who had been sent to destroy the city of the people of Lot. The Holy Qur'an referred to Isaac as "a son endowed with wisdom." Isaac was sent as a prophet to guide people to the right way.
    þåæ ÇÈä ÅÈÑÇåíã ÇáÈßÑ ææáÏ ÇáÓíÏÉ åÇÌÑ¡ ÓÇÑ ÅÈÑÇåíã ÈåÇÌÑ - ÈÃãÑ ãä Çááå - ÍÊì æÖÚåÇ æÇÈäåÇ Ýí ãæÖÚ ãßÉ æÊÑßåãÇ æãÚåãÇ Þáíá ãä ÇáãÇÁ æÇáÊãÑ æáãÇ äÝÏ ÇáÒÇÏ ÌÚáÊ ÇáÓíÏÉ åÇÌÑ ÊØæÝ åäÇ æåäÇß ÍÊì åÏÇåÇ Çááå Åáì ãÇÁ ÒãÒã ææÝÏ ÚáíåÇ ßËíÑ ãä ÇáäÇÓ ÍÊì ÌÇÁ ÃãÑ Çááå áÓíÏäÇ ÅÈÑÇåíã ÈÈäÇÁ ÇáßÚÈÉ æÑÝÚ ÞæÇÚÏ ÇáÈíÊ¡ ÝÌÚá ÅÓãÇÚíá íÃÊí ÈÇáÍÌÑ æÅÈÑÇåíã íÈäí ÍÊì ÃÊãÇ ÇáÈäÇÁ Ëã ÌÇÁ ÃãÑ Çááå ÈÐÈÍ ÅÓãÇÚíá ÍíË ÑÃì ÅÈÑÇåíã Ýí ãäÇãå Ãäå íÐÈÍ ÇÈäå ÝÚÑÖ Úáíå Ðáß ÝÞÇá "íÇ ÃÈÊ ÇÝÚá ãÇ ÊÄãÑ ÓÊÌÏäí Åä ÔÇÁ Çááå ãä ÇáÕÇÈÑíä" ÝÝÏÇå Çááå ÈÐÈÍ ÚÙíã¡ ßÇä ÅÓãÇÚíá ÝÇÑÓÇ Ýåæ Ãæá ãä ÇÓÊÃäÓ ÇáÎíá æßÇä ÕÈæÑÇ ÍáíãÇ¡ íÞÇá Åäå Ãæá ãä ÊÍÏË ÈÇáÚÑÈíÉ ÇáÈíäÉ æßÇä ÕÇÏÞ ÇáæÚÏ¡ æßÇä íÃãÑ Ãåáå ÈÇáÕáÇÉ æÇáÒßÇÉ¡ æßÇä íäÇÏí ÈÚÈÇÏÉ Çááå ææÍÏÇäíÊå.þ
    Ishmael [Isma`il] : Ishmael was the first son of Abraham by his second wife, Hajar. In compliance with Allah's command, Abraham moved the mother and her baby to a place in the desert, which came to be known as Mecca, and left them with little food and water. Suffering from lack of provisions, Hajar kept wandering here and there until the water of Zamzam gushed out from under the feet of her baby. The Well of Zamzam attracted many people to dwell in the region. Later, Ishmael helped his father implement the command of Allah regarding the construction of the Ka`bah. Abraham then had a revelation during his sleep, that he should sacrifice his son for the sake of Allah. Both the father and son were images of humility and obedience in their immediate response to the Will of Allah. However, Allah saved Ishmael from being sacrificed. Ishmael was a forbearing knight and was the first to tame horses. He is also said to have been the first to speak Classical Arabic. Prophet Ishmael called for the worship of the Only True God, and enjoined his people to practice prayer and charity.
    þÃÑÓá Åáì Ãåá ÈÚáÈß ÛÑÈí ÏãÔÞ ÝÏÚÇåã Åáì ÚÈÇÏÉ Çááå æÃä íÊÑßæÇ ÚÈÇÏÉ Õäã ßÇäæÇ íÓãæäå ÈÚáÇ ÝÂÐæå¡ æÞÇá ÇÈä ÚÈÇÓ åæ Úã ÇáíÓÚ.þ
    Elijah [Ilyas] : Elijah was a prophet sent to the people of Baalbek, in east Lebanon. He called them to worship only Allah and stop adoring their idol Ba`la. They subjected him to different punishments. Ibn `Abbas said that Elijah was the paternal uncle of Elisha.
    þãä ÇáÚÈÏÉ ÇáÃÎíÇÑ æÑÏ ÐßÑå Ýí ÇáÊæÑÇÉ ßãÇ ÐßÑ Ýí ÇáÞÑÂä ãÑÊíä ¡ æíÐßÑ Ãäå ÃÞÇã ãä ÇáãæÊ ÅäÓÇäÇ ßãÚÌÒÉ.þ
    Elisha [Al-Yasa`] : Elisha was a devout prophet who performed the miracle of resurrecting a dead person. He is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an twice and in the Torah as well.
    þÂÊÇå Çááå ÇáÚáã æÇáÍßãÉ æÓÎÑ áå ÇáÌÈÇá æÇáØíÑ íÓÈÍä ãÚå æÃáÇä áå ÇáÍÏíÏ¡ ßÇä ÚÈÏÇ ÎÇáÕÇ ááå ÔßæÑÇ íÕæã íæãÇ æíÝØÑ íæãÇ íÞæã äÕÝ Çááíá æíäÇã ËáËå æíÞæã ÓÏÓå æÃäÒá Çááå Úáíå ÇáÒÈæÑ æÞÏ ÃæÊí ãáßÇ ÚÙíãÇ æÃãÑå Çááå Ãä íÍßã ÈÇáÚÏá.þ
    David [Dawud] : David was a devout servant of Allah who used to observe fasting on one day and break it the next, besides practicing forms of worship for about two-thirds of the night. Allah revealed the Psalms to David, gave him wisdom and knowledge and granted him a strong kingdom in which mountains were subdued, all birds were assembled and iron was made soft.
    þÐæ ÇáßÝáþ
    þãä ÇáÃäÈíÇÁ ÇáÕÇáÍíä¡ æßÇä íÕáí ßá íæã ãÇÆÉ ÕáÇÉ¡ Þíá Åäå ÊßÝá áÈäí Þæãå Ãä íÞÖí Èíäåã ÈÇáÚÏá æíßÝíåã ÃãÑåã ÝÝÚá ÝÓãí ÈÐí ÇáßÝá.þ
    Ezekiel [Dhul-Kifl] : Ezekiel was a devout prophet who used to observe prayer one hundred times a day. He took it upon himself to stand for justice among his people.
    þÚÈÏ ÕÇáÍ ÊÞí ÃÎÐ íÏÚæ ááÏíä ÇáÍäíÝ¡ ßÝá ãÑíã ÇáÚÐÑÇÁ¡ ÏÚÇ Çááå Ãä íÑÒÞå ÐÑíÉ ÕÇáÍÉ ÝæåÈ áå íÍíì ÇáÐí ÎáÝå Ýí ÇáÏÚæÉ áÚÈÇÏÉ Çááå ÇáæÇÍÏ ÇáÞåÇÑ.
    Zechariah [Zakariah] : Zechariah was a devout prophet who called for the True Religion. He took care of Mary the Virgin, and prayed Allah to grant him a virtuous child. Allah gave him John the Baptist [Yahya], who also called for the right way of Allah.
    þÂÊÇå Çááå ÇáÚáã æÇáÍßãÉ æÚáãå ãäØÞ ÇáØíÑ æÇáÍíæÇäÇÊ æÓÎÑ áå ÇáÑíÇÍ æÇáÌä¡ æßÇä áå ÞÕÉ ãÚ ÇáåÏåÏ ÍíË ÃÎÈÑå Ãä åäÇß ããáßÉ ÈÇáíãä íÚÈÏ ÃåáåÇ ÇáÔãÓ ãä Ïæä Çááå ÝÈÚË ÓáíãÇä Åáì ãáßÉ ÓÈà íØáÈ ãäåÇ ÇáÅíãÇä æáßäåÇ ÃÑÓáÊ áå ÇáåÏÇíÇ ÝØáÈ ãä ÇáÌä Ãä íÃÊæÇ ÈÚÑÔåÇ ÝáãÇ ÌÇÁÊ ææÌÏÊ ÚÑÔåÇ ÂãäÊ ÈÇááå.þ
    Solomon [Sulaiman] : Solomon was a prophet of knowledge and wisdom. He had power and authority not only over men but the Jinn as well. Allah had bestowed upon him the ability to understand the means of communication among birds, beasts and ants. Solomon had a story with a hoopoe bird, that informed him about the Yemeni Kingdom of Sheba, whose people used to worship the sun. They were satisfied with their own human achievements, instead of looking to Allah, the True and Only God. Solomon invited Balqis, Queen of Sheba, to join the true Faith and bask in the light of Allah. Eventually, she accepted the Faith and joined Solomon in praising Allah.
    þÃÑÓá ÔÚíÈ Åáì Þæã ãÏíä æßÇäæÇ íÚÈÏæä ÇáÃíßÉ æßÇäæÇ íäÞÕæä ÇáãßíÇá æÇáãíÒÇä æáÇ íÚØæä ÇáäÇÓ ÍÞåã ÝÏÚÇåã Åáì ÚÈÇÏÉ Çááå æÃä íÊÚÇãáæÇ ÈÇáÚÏá æáßäåã ÃÈæÇ æÇÓÊßÈÑæÇ æÇÓÊãÑæÇ Ýí ÚäÇÏåã æÊæÚÏæå ÈÇáÑÌã æÇáØÑÏ æØÇáÈæå ÈÃä íäÒá Úáíåã ßÓÝÇ ãä ÇáÓãÇÁ ÝÌÇÁÊ ÇáÕíÍÉ æÞÖÊ Úáíåã ÌãíÚÇ.þ
    Jethro [Shu`aib] : Jethro was sent to the people of Madyan, who used to worship the Wood, usurp other's property and never adhere to due measures and weights. He invited them to adore Allah, give others their rights and deal with justice and equity. However, they not only threatened to banish and stone him, but were stubborn and demanded that he causes the sky to fall upon them in pieces. Thus, they were destroyed by the Mighty Blast.
    þÃÑÓáå Çááå Åáì Þæã ËãæÏ æßÇäæÇ ÞæãÇ ÌÇÍÏíä ÂÊÇåã Çááå ÑÒÞÇ ßËíÑÇ æáßäåã ÚÕæÇ ÑÈåã æÚÈÏæÇ ÇáÃÕäÇã æÊÝÇÎÑæÇ Èíäåã ÈÞæÊåã ÝÈÚË Çááå Åáíåã ÕÇáÍÇ ãÈÔÑÇ æãäÐÑÇ æáßäåã ßÐÈæå æÚÕæå æØÇáÈæå ÈÃä íÃÊí ÈÂíÉ áíÕÏÞæå ÝÃÊÇåã ÈÇáäÇÞÉ æÃãÑåã Ãä áÇ íÄÐæåÇ æáßäåã ÃÕÑæÇ Úáì ßÈÑåã ÝÚÞÑæÇ ÇáäÇÞÉ æÚÇÞÈåã Çááå ÈÇáÕÇÚÞÉ ÝÕÚÞæÇ ÌÒÇÁ áÝÚáÊåã æäÌì Çááå ÕÇáÍÇ æÇáãÄãäíä.þ
    Salih : Salih was Allah's prophet to the people of Thamud, who were endowed with abundant riches. Not only were they ungrateful for these blessings but they neglected the Lord, worshiped idols and boasted of their might. Allah sent Salih to warn them, but they asked for a miracle to support his allegations. Allah granted Salih a miraculous She-camel, and he warned his people against hurting it. Nevertheless, they persisted in their blasphemy and slaughtered the She-camel. They were destroyed by the Mighty Blast, but Salih and his followers were saved.
    þãËá ÚíÓì ãËá ÂÏã ÎáÞå Çááå ãä ÊÑÇÈ æÞÇá áå ßä Ýíßæä¡ åæ ÚíÓì Èä ãÑíã ÑÓæá Çááå æßáãÊå ÃáÞÇåÇ Åáì ãÑíã¡ æåæ ÇáÐí ÈÔÑ ÈÇáäÈí ãÍãÏ¡ ÂÊÇå Çááå ÇáÈíäÇÊ æÃíÏå ÈÑæÍ ÇáÞÏÓ æßÇä æÌíåÇ Ýí ÇáÏäíÇ æÇáÂÎÑÉ æãä ÇáãÞÑÈíä¡ ßáã ÇáäÇÓ Ýí ÇáãåÏ æßåáÇ æßÇä íÎáÞ ãä ÇáØíä ßåíÆÉ ÇáØíÑ ÝíäÝÎ ÝíåÇ ÝÊßæä ØíÑÇ¡ æíÈÑÆ ÇáÃßãå æÇáÃÈÑÕ æíÎÑÌ ÇáãæÊì ßá ÈÅÐä Çááå¡ ÏÚÇ ÇáãÓíÍ Þæãå áÚÈÇÏÉ Çááå ÇáæÇÍÏ ÇáÃÍÏ æáßäåã ÃÈæÇ æÇÓÊßÈÑæÇ æÚÇÑÖæå¡ æáã íÄãä Èå Óæì ÈÓØÇÁ Þæãå¡ ÑÝÚå Çááå Åáì ÇáÓãÇÁ æÓíåÈØ ÍíäãÇ íÔÇÁ Çááå Åáì ÇáÃÑÖ áíßæä ÔåíÏÇ Úáì ÇáäÇÓ.þ
    Jesus Christ [`Isa] : Almost as Adam had been created without a father or mother, Jesus Christ was born without a father. He was Allah's Word inspired to Mary. Allah gave him Clear Signs and endowed him with the Holy Spirit. He was held in honor both in this world and the Hereafter and in the company of those nearest to Allah. Jesus was strong in spirit, and very wise. Allah bestowed upon him the power to speak eloquently while still an infant in his cradle. Indeed, Jesus's miracles were innumerable. Allah taught him the Wisdom and Book, the Torah and the Gospel. Allah made him His Messenger to the Children of Israel. By Allah's leave, Jesus made the figure of a bird out of clay and breathed into it and it became a bird. He could, by Allah's leave, heal those born blind, lepers and even resurrect the dead. Jesus invited his people to worship Allah, the Only True God; but they rejected him and rebelled. Only the poor among them followed him. Allah raised Jesus up unto Himself and saved him from those who plotted to crucify him.
    þÃÑÓáå Çááå áíåÏí Þæãå æíÏÚæåã Åáì ÚÈÇÏÉ Çááå¡ æßÇäæÇ ÞæãÇ ÙÇáãíä íÃÊæä ÇáÝæÇÍÔ æíÚÊÏæä Úáì ÇáÛÑÈÇÁ æßÇäæÇ íÃÊæä ÇáÑÌÇá ÔåæÉ ãä Ïæä ÇáäÓÇÁ ÝáãÇ ÏÚÇåã áæØ áÊÑß ÇáãäßÑÇÊ ÃÑÇÏæÇ Ãä íÎÑÌæå åæ æÞæãå Ýáã íÄãä Èå ÛíÑ ÈÚÖ ãä Âá ÈíÊå¡ ÃãÇ ÇãÑÃÊå Ýáã ÊÄãä æáãÇ íÆÓ áæØ ÏÚÇ Çááå Ãä íäÌíåã æíåáß ÇáãÝÓÏíä ÝÌÇÁÊ áå ÇáãáÇÆßÉ æÃÎÑÌæÇ áæØ æãä Âãä Èå æÃåáßæÇ ÇáÂÎÑíä ÈÍÌÇÑÉ ãÓæãÉ.þ
    Lot [Lut] : Lot was Abraham's nephew. Allah sent him to a transgressing people who used to commit all abominable acts and indulge in their lusts with men rather than women. Lot frequently preached to them to abandon such heinous crimes and come to the right course of Allah, but they never obeyed him. Being disappointed in them, Lot prayed Allah to destroy them, but save the believers among them. Because Lot's wife was apparently not a believer, her previous sympathy for the sinful people destined her to a miserable end along with her people.
    þãÍãÏ (Õáì Çááå Úáíå æÓáã)þ
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    Muhammad (peace be upon him) : Muhammad, the Arab Prophet of Islam, was born in Mecca a few months after the death of `Abdullah, his father. Aminah, his mother had died when he was six. Thus he was brought up by `Abdul-Muttalib, his grandfather, then by Abu Talib, his uncle. He worked as a shepherd for a time. At the age of 25 he married Khadijah, who gave him optimum support. When he came to the age of forty, Muhammad received the Divine Revelation and started to invite the people of Mecca to believe that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His Messenger. Suffering severe persecution in Mecca, he allowed his followers to migrate to Yathrib (now Medina). This took place in the year 622 A.D. which, later on, became the starting point of the Hijri calendar. In Medina, the Prophet Muhammad established a state which was the nucleus of the Muslim empire. In the 10th Hijri year, he went to Mecca and performed the Farewell Hajj, shortly after which he died at the age of 63.
    þÃÑÓáå Çááå ÊÚÇáì Åáì ÝÑÚæä æÞæãå¡ æÃíÏå ÈãÚÌÒÊíä¡ ÅÍÏÇåãÇ åí ÇáÚÕÇ ÇáÊí ÊáÞÝ ÇáËÚÇÈíä¡ ÃãÇ ÇáÃÎÑì ÝßÇäÊ íÏå ÇáÊí íÏÎáåÇ Ýí ÌíÈå ÝÊÎÑÌ ÈíÖÇÁ ãä ÛíÑ ÓæÁ¡ ÏÚÇ ãæÓì Åáì æÍÏÇäíÉ Çááå ÝÍÇÑÈå ÝÑÚæä æÌãÚ áå ÇáÓÍÑÉ áíßíÏæÇ áå æáßäå åÒãåã ÈÅÐä Çááå ÊÚÇáì¡ Ëã ÃãÑå Çááå Ãä íÎÑÌ ãä ãÕÑ ãÚ ãä ÇÊÈÚå¡ ÝØÇÑÏå ÝÑÚæä ÈÌíÔ ÚÙíã¡ ææÞÊ Ãä Ùä ÃÊÈÇÚå Ãäåã ãÏÑßæä ÃãÑå Çááå Ãä íÖÑÈ ÇáÈÍÑ ÈÚÕÇå áÊßæä äÌÇÊå æáíßæä åáÇß ÝÑÚæä ÇáÐí ÌÚáå Çááå ÚÈÑÉ ááÂÎÑíä.
    þMoses [Musa] : Moses was sent to call Pharaoh and his people to believe in the Oneness of Allah. He was strengthened by a number of miracles. Allah instructed Moses to throw down his staff which miraculously turned into a huge snake and swallowed all the snakes which the magicians of Pharaoh had made appear. Moses was also instructed to put his hand in his pocket, and it came forth radiantly white, without stain. The Pharaoh promised severe punishments to the followers of Moses. Moses was commanded to leave Egypt with his people by night. Moses's followers were to cross the Red Sea towards Sinai in a huge procession. They were reassured not to fear the Pharaoh, nor the sea, nor the vast unknown desert of Sinai into which they were venturing. They crossed the Red Sea - after Moses struck the sea with his miraculous staff and made it split into dry passage - while the Pharaoh, who had pursued them with his troops, was overwhelmed by the sea.

    þßÇä äæÍ ÊÞíÇ ÕÇÏÞÇ ÃÑÓáå Çááå áíåÏí Þæãå æíäÐÑåã ÚÐÇÈ ÇáÂÎÑÉ æáßäåã ÚÕæå æßÐÈæå¡ æãÚ Ðáß ÇÓÊãÑ íÏÚæåã Åáì ÇáÏíä ÇáÍäíÝ ÝÇÊÈÚå Þáíá ãä ÇáäÇÓ¡ æÇÓÊãÑ ÇáßÝÑÉ Ýí ØÛíÇäåã ÝãäÚ Çááå Úäåã ÇáãØÑ æÏÚÇåã äæÍ Ãä íÄãäæÇ ÍÊì íÑÝÚ Çááå Úäåã ÇáÚÐÇÈ ÝÂãäæÇ ÝÑÝÚ Çááå Úäåã ÇáÚÐÇÈ æáßäåã ÑÌÚæÇ Åáì ßÝÑåã¡ æÃÎÐ íÏÚæåã 950 ÓäÉ Ëã ÃãÑå Çááå ÈÈäÇÁ ÇáÓÝíäÉ æÃä íÃÎÐ ãÚå ÒæÌÇ ãä ßá äæÚ Ëã ÌÇÁ ÇáØæÝÇä ÝÃÛÑÞåã ÃÌãÚíä.þ
    Noah [Nuh] : Noah was a pious, sincere and truthful man. Allah chose him to guide his people who were idol-worshipers. Noah tried hard to make his people abandon idols and worship Allah alone, but only the poor followed him. Allah kept the rain from them, and Noah called them to accept the true faith so that Allah may give them rain and blessing. They feigned acceptance, but when Allah finally sent the rain to them and blessed their crops and children, they reverted to infidelity. After nine hundred and fifty years of persistent preaching, Noah despaired of those people and invoked Allah against them. Allah answered his prayer and ordered him to construct the Ark in which he and his followers would be saved. Then came the Flood which destroyed the blaspheming people completely.
    þÃÎæ ãæÓì æÑÝíÞå Ýí ÏÚæÉ ÝÑÚæä Åáì ÇáÅíãÇä ÈÇááå áÃäå ßÇä ÝÕíÍÇ æãÊÍÏËÇ¡ ÇÓÊÎáÝå ãæÓì Úáì Þæãå ÚäÏãÇ ÐåÈ ááÞÇÁ Çááå ÝæÞ ÌÈá ÇáØæÑ¡ æáßä ÍÏËÊ ÝÊäÉ ÇáÓÇãÑí ÇáÐí Íæá Èäí ÅÓÑÇÆíá Åáì ÚÈÇÏÉ ÚÌá ãä ÇáÐåÈ áå ÎæÇÑ ¡ ÝÏÚÇåã åÇÑæä Åáì ÇáÑÌæÚ áÚÈÇÏÉ Çááå ÈÏáÇ ãä ÇáÚÌá æáßäåã ÇÓÊßÈÑæÇ ÝáãÇ ÑÌÚ ãæÓì ææÌÏ ãÇ Âá Åáíå Þæãå ÚÇÊÈ åÇÑæä ÚÊÇÈÇ ÔÏíÏÇ.þ
    Aaron [Harun] : Aaron was Moses's eloquent brother who helped him proclaim his mission to Pharaoh. When Moses went to fulfill the appointment with his Lord on Mount Sinai, Aaron succeeded him in leading the Israelites. During this period a man called Al-Samiri suggested to the Israelites that they make the golden figure of a calf to worship. Thus they went astray and committed a great sin. Aaron persistently tried to convince them to return to the worship of Allah, but they did not listen to him. Upon his return, Moses was angered and blamed Aaron heavily for letting the Israelites divert from the true faith.
    þÃÑÓá Åáì Þæã ÚÇÏ ÇáÐíä ßÇäæÇ ÈÇáÃÍÞÇÝ¡ æßÇäæÇ ÃÞæíÇÁ ÇáÌÓã æÇáÈäíÇä æÂÊÇåã Çááå ÇáßËíÑ ãä ÑÒÞå æáßäåã áã íÔßÑæÇ Çááå Úáì ãÇ ÂÊÇåã æÚÈÏæÇ ÇáÃÕäÇã ÝÃÑÓá áåã Çááå åæÏÇ äÈíÇ ãÈÔÑÇ¡ ßÇä ÍßíãÇ æáßäåã ßÐÈæå æÂÐæå ÝÌÇÁ ÚÞÇÈ Çááå æÃåáßåã ÈÑíÍ ÕÑÕÑ ÚÇÊíÉ ÇÓÊãÑÊ ÓÈÚ áíÇá æËãÇäíÉ ÃíÇã.þ
    Hud : One community, called `Ad, were strong and of huge stature. Allah blessed them in everything, but they were ungrateful to Him and began to worship idols. Allah sent them a messenger from among themselves to guide them. It was Hud who was born into a noble family and grew up virtuous and intelligent. He invited them to follow the way of Allah, and worked hard to counsel them. But they did not believe and were satisfied with the life of this world. They were destroyed by a fierce wind that blew and uprooted trees, demolished houses and flung animals away. It lasted for seven nights and eight days.
    þÇÈä äÈí Çááå ÒßÑíÇ¡ æáÏ ÇÓÊÌÇÈÉ áÏÚÇÁ ÒßÑíÇ ááå Ãä íÑÒÞå ÇáÐÑíÉ ÇáÕÇáÍÉ ÝÌÚá ÂíÉ ãæáÏå Ãä áÇ íßáã ÇáäÇÓ ËáÇË áíÇá ÓæíÇ¡ æÞÏ ßÇä íÍíì äÈíÇ æÍÕæÑÇ æãä ÇáÕÇáÍíä ¡ ßãÇ ßÇä ÈÇÑÇ ÊÞíÇ æÑÚÇ ãäÐ ÕÈÇå.þ
    Yahya [John the Baptist] : Yahya, the son of Zechariah, was born in fulfillment of his father's supplication that Allah might grant him a righteous child. The sign of his birth was that his father would not speak to anyone for three days, though he was not dumb. Yahya was a devout prophet who was given wisdom at a young age.
    þÇÈä ÅÓÍÇÞ íÞÇá áå ÅÓÑÇÆíá ÊÚäí ÚÈÏ Çááå¡ ßÇä äÈíÇ áÞæãå¡ æßÇä ÊÞíÇ æÈÔÑÊ Èå ÇáãáÇÆßÉ ÌÏå ÅÈÑÇåíã æÒæÌÊå ÓÇÑÉ ÚáíåãÇ ÇáÓáÇã æåæ æÇáÏ íæÓÝ
    .þJacob [Ya`qub] : Jacob, son of Isaac, the Prophet, was also called Israel which means "Servant of Allah." His grandparents, Abraham and Sarah, were given the tidings of his piety and prophethood. Jacob was the father of Joseph. His 12 sons became the progenitors of the tribes of Israel.
    þæáÏ ÓíÏäÇ íÚÞæÈ æßÇä áå 11 ÃÎÇ æßÇä ÃÈæå íÍÈå ßËíÑÇ æÝí ÐÇÊ áíáÉ ÑÃì ÃÍÏ ÚÔÑ ßæßÈÇ æÇáÔãÓ æÇáÞãÑ áå ÓÇÌÏíä¡ ÝÞÕ Úáì æÇáÏå ãÇ ÑÃì ÝÞÇá áå ÃáÇ íÞÕåÇ Úáì ÅÎæÊå¡ æáßä ÇáÔíØÇä æÓæÓ áÅÎæÊå ÝÇÊÝÞæÇ Úáì Ãä íáÞæå Ýí ÛíÇÈÇÊ ÇáÌÈ æÇÏÚæÇ Ãä ÇáÐÆÈ Ãßáå¡ Ëã ãÑ Èå äÇÓ ãä ÇáÈÏæ ÝÃÎÐæå æÈÇÚæå ÈËãä ÈÎÓ æÇÔÊÑÇå ÚÒíÒ ãÕÑ æØáÈ ãä ÒæÌÊå Ãä ÊÑÚÇå¡ æáßäåÇ ÃÎÐÊ ÊÑÇæÏå Úä äÝÓå ÝÃÈì ÝßÇÏÊ áå æÏÎá ÇáÓÌä¡ Ëã ÃÙåÑ Çááå ÈÑÇÁÊå æÎÑÌ ãä ÇáÓÌä ¡ æÇÓÊÚãáå Çáãáß Úáì ÔÆæä ÇáÛÐÇÁ ÇáÊí ÃÍÓä ÅÏÇÑÊåÇ Ýí ÓäæÇÊ ÇáÞÍØ¡ Ëã ÇÌÊãÚ Ôãáå ãÚ ÅÎæÊå ææÇáÏíå æÎÑæÇ áå ÓÌÏÇ æÊÍÞÞÊ ÑÄíÇå.þ
    Joseph [Yusuf] : Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob. Once in a dream he saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon all bowing down to him. He went to his father and told him about his dream. He was happy, but advised his son not to tell his brothers about that dream. The brothers envied Joseph for his father loved him much more than any of them. They plotted to throw him in a well, and told his father that he had been killed by a wolf. Then, he was picked up by caravans who sold him to the Egyptian King for a low price. The king took care of Joseph, who preferred to be imprisoned rather than to yield to the lustful desires of the King's wife. Having been proved innocent, Joseph was released from prison and was appointed administrator of Egypt's grain storehouses which he managed wisely during the years of famine. During this period, Joseph's brothers came to Egypt seeking grain. Joseph made himself known to them and asked them to bring their family, including his father, to Egypt. They came and bo wed down to him as a fulfillment of his first dream.
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    Jonah [Yunus, Dhul-Nun] : Jonah was Allah's messenger to the people of Ninawa to invite them to the worship of the Only True God. When they rejected him, he threatened them that punishment would come within three nights. Out of fear of being punished they believed in Allah. Jonah departed his people and later was on board of a sinking ship. After casting lots three times, Jonah was chosen to be thrown in the sea. He was swallowed by a great whale and was disgorged unharmed three days later. He was then sent to more than 100, 000 persons calling them to the worship of Allah.
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