
:) ,,


httpd ,, ,, ,,

,, + + ,,


WHM/Cpanel :

WHM>> Software >> EasyApache (Apache Update)

Start customizing based on profile

: Apache 2.2.24

Next Step .

php + : 5.3.23

Next Step

( X ) :
[X] Frontpage [X] Mod SuPHP [X] EAccelerator for PHP [X] IonCube Loader for PHP [ ] Mod Bandwidth [ ] Tomcat [ ] Mod Mono (.Net 1.x) [ ] Mod Mono (.Net 2.x) [ ] Mod Perl [ ] Mod Qos [ ] Mod Ruid2 EXPERIMENTAL [X] Mod Security [X] Suhosin for PHP [ ] SourceGuardian Loader for PHP [ ] Xcache for PHP [X] Zend Guard Loader for PHP
Exhaustive Options List .

[X] Asis [X] CGId (required to run CGI scripts or PHP as CGI with threaded MPMs) [X] Deflate [X] Env [X] Expires [X] Fileprotect (Prevent Users from reading other webroots) [X] Frontpage [X] Headers [X] Ident [X] Include [X] Mod SuPHP [X] mod_proxy [X] Speling [X] UniqueId [X] Version [X] Bz2 [X] Calendar [X] Curl [X] CurlSSL [X] Curlwrappers [X] FTP [X] GD [X] Gettext [X] Iconv (Support iconv character set conversion facility) [X] MM [X] Magic Quotes [X] Mbregex [X] Mbstring [X] Mcrypt [X] Mhash [X] Mime Magic [X] Mysql (compile mysql support against php bundled libraries (if the system mysql is checked it takes precedence of this option)) [X] Mysql of the system (compile mysql (and mysqli if its checked) support against the system libraries) [X] Openssl [X] POSIX [X] Path Info Check [X] Pear [X] SafeMode [X] Sockets [X] TTF [X] Zend Multibyte [X] Zip [X] Zlib (Requires that zlib is installed and up to date)
Save and build .


PHP Handler PHP 5 Handler suPHP . DSO .



Service Configuration >> apache Configuration
Memory Usage Restrictions . Proceed .

Apache Configuration .. Global Configuration .

TraceEnable off ServerSignature off ServerTokens off FileETag None Start Servers 5 Minimum Spare Servers 10 Keep-Alive On Timeout 300
Save ,,, .

,, :

nano /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
# These can be set in WHM under 'Apache Global Configuration' Timeout 300 TraceEnable Off ServerSignature Off ServerTokens ProductOnly FileETag None StartServers 5 <IfModule prefork.c> MinSpareServers 5 MaxSpareServers 10 </IfModule> ServerLimit 1000 MaxClients 1000 MaxRequestsPerChild 10000 KeepAlive On KeepAliveTimeout 5 MaxKeepAliveRequests 100

. . 650 - 750 .


/etc/init.d/httpd restart
,, 1000 ,, Keep Alive .

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