ÑÈØ twitter api ãÚ whmcs æÍá ãÔßáÉ Invalid details not saved
ÊÓÌíá ÇáÏÎæá ãä ÎáÇá ÊæíÊÑ Twitter API æÇÓÊÎÏÇã App ID & Secret

Create a Twitter App and Retrieve API Credentials

ÇÐåÈ Çáì åÐÇ ÇáÑÇÈØ https://apps.twitter.com

Ëã Ýì ÇáÇÚáì Úáì Çáíãíä ÇÖÛØ Úáì Create New App

4. Enter a Name, Description and Website URL for your App.
You must also enter a valid URL in the Callback URL fields. The URL you enter here is not used, but the valid URL of the callback file must be defined to enable WHMCS to utilise callbacks. Because there are three possible callback URLs depending upon the Friendly URLs feature setting, we suggest adding all:

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Replace http://demo.whmcs.com/whmcs/ with the actual URL of your WHMCS installation

5. If you do not yet have a phone number defined inside your Twitter account, you will see the following error upon submitting. To create an App, Twitter requires that you have a valid phone number registered in your account with them. You must do this before continuing.

6. After submitting the App Creation form, you should see a success confirmation page that looks as follows.

7. Select the Settings tab. In the Application Details section, ensure that the Enable Callback Locking option is disabled.

8. Select the Permissions tab. WHMCS only requires Read permissions so you can change the default Access permission level to Read only. Then hit Update Settings

9. Now select the Keys and Access Tokens tab. Your API Key and Secret will then be displayed. These are the values you will need to activate Twitter Sign In within WHMCS so store these in a safe place.

You can now proceed to Activate Twitter Sign In within WHMCS.
Activate Twitter Sign In within WHMCS

  1. Login to the WHMCS Admin Area
  2. Navigate to Setup > Sign-In Integrations
  3. Select Activate under the Twitter heading
  4. Enter your Twitter API Key and API Secret where requested
  5. Click Save & Activate

WHMCS will attempt to validate and test the details you have entered. If the API Key and Secret are valid and successfully authenticate with the Twitter API, the values will be saved and the modal will close.
Congratulations! Twitter Sign In is now enabled.