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    ÇáÕæÑÉ ÇáÑãÒíÉ Rise Company
    Engineering and Technology
    ÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÊÓÌíá
    Apr 2014
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    ÇÝÊÑÇÖí ãäÊÏí ÇáÌíá ÇáÎÇãÓ vBulletin 5 | ÔÑÍ ÇáÊÑÞíÉ / ÎØæÇÊ / äÕÇÆÍ / ÊÍÐíÑÇÊ

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    ÔÑÍ ÊÑÞíÉ ÇáãäÊÏì ãä ÇáÌíá ÇáÑÇÈÚ Åáì ÇáÌíá ÇáÎÇãÓ Upgrading VB4 to VB5
    VBulletin upgrade from V4.2.5 to VB5 Connect
    How to Upgrade to vBulletin 5- vB5 Upgrade Instructions

    Upgrading from previous versions of vBulletin 5 Connect

    1. Turn your vBulletin Connect site off so that users do not try to add content while you are updating the software. You can do this in the AdminCP under Settings -> Options -> Turn Your vBulletin On or Off.
    2. Using the tools provided by your hosting provider, make a backup of your current database.
    3. Using your SFTP client, upload the new files to your server. When prompted tell it to overwrite all files in the current transfer queue.
    4. With your web browser run the Upgrade Wizard. The location will be https://%yourdomain/%forumroot%/install/upgrade.php
    5. When the Upgrade Wizard is complete, you will need to delete the install folder within /core/ on your server to proceed.
    6. Log into your site and review the upgrade.
    7. When everything appears satisfactory, turn your site back on in the AdminCP under Settings -> Options -> Turn Your vBulletin On or Off.

    Upgrading via the Command Line Interface

    If you have a larger site, then you may want to run the upgrade scripts from the Command Line Interface (CLI). vBulletin can support this. After you have prepared your files using the steps above then you can log into your command line interface, usually SSH. From your SSH terminal, change into the %forumroot%/core/install directory. Then run the upgrade utility with this command line:

        php -f upgrade.php

    Upgrading from vBulletin 4.2.5 Publishing Suite

    If you are using an older version of vBulletin. It is recommended that you download and upgrade to the vBulletin 4.2.5 Publishing Suite before proceeding to vBulletin 5. This will make sure your system is at the most compatible level to be converted. Please follow these tips for the best migration:

    1. Uninstall all third-party addons in the AdminCP under Plugins & Products -> Product Manager.
    2. Leave the vBulletin Blog and vBulletin CMS products installed.
    3. All other Products are incompatible.
    4. Download your logo to be reused.
    5. Read why we recommend using a test server for the initial upgrade (below)
    6. Make a backup of your database to store locally.
    7. Delete all vBulletin 4.X files. Maintain your attachment, customavatar, and signaturepics directories in their current locations.
    8. Follow the Upgrade Steps below.

    Using a Test Server for the Initial Upgrade
    vBulletin Connect is more than an upgrade from older versions of vBulletin. It reimagines how a lot of the system functions to achieve various goals. These goals include standardized functionality across content creation, mobile device support, modularity, security, and updating programming standards. This requires a different code structure than previous versions of vBulletin and comes with a new database structure. When upgrading to vBulletin Connect, the process is more of a migration of data rather than the generally simply upgrades. For this reason we recommend upgrading a test copy first. This will allow your older version of vBulletin to remain live while you test and verify that the ugprade was successful. It will also give you and your team time to familiarize yourself with the new software so you can provide support to your end-users.
    You can read how to utilize a test server in our online manual here: https://www.vbulletin.com/go/testserver

    Upgrade to vBulletin 5

    Now that you have prepared your vBulletin 4.2.5 data to be upgraded to vBulletin Connect you can follow these steps.

    1. After Purchasing, download vBulletin Connect from the your Member's Area.
    2. Unzip the downloaded package on your local machine. Depending on your hosting provider and internet connection this can take some time.
    3. In your vBulletin files there will be a directory called upload. Enter it.
    4. Rename config.php.bkp to config.php (ren config.php.bkp config.php)
    5. Enter the /upload/core/includes directory.
    6. Rename config.php.new to config.php (ren config.php.new config.php)
    7. Edit config.php and change these values to match your information.
      • $config['Database']['dbname'] = 'databasename';
      • $config['Database']['technicalemail'] = '[email protected]';
      • $config['MasterServer']['servername'] = 'localhost'; // may be referred to as a host name
      • $config['MasterServer']['port'] = 3306;
      • $config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'username';
      • $config['MasterServer']['password'] = 'password';
      • Make sure that all values are to the right of the equal sign (=) and between the single quotes ('). If you do not know these values they can be obtained from your hosting provider.
      • No other values need to be changed in this file for a basic installation of vBulletin Connect.

    8. Using your SFTP Client, upload the contents of the upload directory (including all sub-directories and files) to your server. Place these files in the directory where you want to install vBulletin. This directory should be empty.
    9. If you store file attachments and custom avatars in the file system (both recommended), then you will need to copy these to your new directory as well.
    10. Rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess (the leading period is required). If you are using Filezilla, you can do this by right-clicking on the file and choosing rename on the context menu. This can also be done from the Windows Command Line before uploading the files to the server.
    11. Load the Upgrade Wizard in your browser. The URL should be https://%yourdomain%/%forumroot%/install/upgrade.php
    12. The Upgrade Wizard will ask for your Customer ID. This can be found in your Member's Area after logging in.
    13. Process all the steps in the Wizard. Some steps make take a long time.

    Upgrading from Older Versions of vBulletin
    For the best upgrade scenarios, we recommend that you first upgrade to vBulletin 4.2.5 and then follow the steps above.

    After Upgrading

    During the upgrade process from vBulletin 3 and vBulletin 4, the search index is not created. This improves upgrade times significantly. After upgrading, you will need to rebuild your search index. Your site can be live during the search engine rebuild but there may be performance issues while indexing occurs. There are two ways to index your site for keyword based searches.

    1. Within the AdminCP at Maintenance -> General Update Tools -> Rebuild Search Index.
    2. Using the searchindex.php located in the do_not_upload directory of your download package. The file should be placed in your %forumroot% directory and then executed from the command line. When indexing is completed, the file should be deleted from your server.

    File Cleanup

    Often when we refactor functionality within the system, it requires the removal of files that become obsolete. Due to the upgrade process, these files can build up on your server. In addition to this, each version includes its own set of javascript files with unique names. While these files shouldn't cause issues, they will take up space on your server. We recommend deleting these obsolete files from your server in order to maintain a clean file set.

    This requires a few steps to complete

    1. Delete rollup javascript files that do not include your version number in the file name. These will not appear in the Suspect File Version diagnostic.

    2. Use the Suspect File Version tool in the AdminCP to delete all obsolete PHP files.

    1. In the AdminCP go to Maintenance -> Diagnostics.
    2. Run the Suspect File Versions tool.
    3. It will scan the vBulletin directories and list all files not part of vBulletin.
    4. Review these files to make sure they aren't part of a customization. If they aren't needed, then delete them with your SFTP client.

    3. If you store your CSS as Files, you would want to follow these steps:

    1. Turn off Store CSS as Files (AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> Style & Language Options).
    2. Delete the contents of the /core/clientscript/vbulletin_css directory.
      • If you store your CSS files elsewhere, delete the contents of that location.

    3. Turn on Store CSS as Files (AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> Style & Language Options).
    Frequent Upgrade Issues

    After installing vBulletin 5, my site is unformatted

    This means that URL Rewriting is not working on your site. Possible causes include:

    • htaccess.txt has not been renamed to .htaccess (the leading period is important)
    • mod_rewrite is not installed for Apache 2.4
    • URL Rewrite is not installed for IIS 8.5+
    • The server configuration for NGINX has not been updated. See the file for your version of PHP within the do_not_upload folder.
    • AllowOverride is not allowed in the Apache configuration file.

    You hosting provider can help you get the ability to rewrite URLS working on your site.

    The AdminCP directory is empty

    This is by design. The /admincp/ directory is just a place holder and not actually needed or used by the software.

    The option to rename the AdminCP is missing

    This is by design. Renaming this directory doesn't actually provide any security to your installation. If someone has access to your Administrator username and password, they can still access the AdminCP. vBulletin Connect and vBulletin Cloud both have other methods to secure the AdminCP. These include both Two-Factor Authentication and IP Blocking built into the software.

    The system states that it is not able to find the Log In Form

    Make sure that the Log In URL is set correctly in the AdminCP. In most installations, it should be the same as the Frontend URL.
    ãÊØáÈÇÊ ÊÑÞíÉ ÇáãäÊÏì Çáì äÓÎÉ vb5.5.5 ÇáãæÇÕÝÇÊ Recommended Requirements

    ÇÚÏÇÏÇÊ íÊã ÚãáåÇ Úáì ÇáãäÊÏì ÇáÌíá ÇáÑÇÈÚ vb4

    1- ÍÐÝ ÌãíÚ ÇáåÇßÇÊ Çæ plugins ÇáãÖÇÝÉ ßÇßæÇÏ

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  3. #3
    ÇáÕæÑÉ ÇáÑãÒíÉ Rise Company
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    Quick Overview: Upgrading vBulletin Connect

    Sat 12th May '18, 11:01am

    Now that you've been using vBulletin Connect for a while, a new version has become available and you're thinking "How do I upgrade this?" That is what this tutorial is for. We will step you through upgrading vBulletin and making sure that your site has as little downtime as possible.

    Tools needed to upgrade vBulletin Connect on your server

    A moderate knowledge of HTML and CSS will be beneficial in customizing your site but is not necessary for basic customizations.


    A couple of definitions before we get started:
    • %yourdomain% should be replace with the domain name you are using for your site.
    • %forumroot% refers to the directory where vBulletin Connect is installed. If you install vBulletin Connect in the public_html or www directory, this value would be empty.

    Upgrading from previous versions of vBulletin 5 Connect
    1. Turn your vBulletin Connect site off so that users do not try to add content while you are updating the software. You can do this in the AdminCP under Settings -> Options -> Turn Your vBulletin On or Off.
    2. Using the tools provided by your hosting provider, make a backup of your current database.
    3. Using your SFTP client, upload the new files to your server. When prompted tell it to overwrite all files in the current transfer queue.
    4. With your web browser run the Upgrade Wizard. The location will be https://%yourdomain/%forumroot%/install/upgrade.php
    5. When the Upgrade Wizard is complete, you will need to delete the install folder within /core/ on your server to proceed.
    6. Log into your site and review the upgrade.
    7. When everything appears satisfactory, turn your site back on in the AdminCP under Settings -> Options -> Turn Your vBulletin On or Off.

    Upgrading via the Command Line Interface
    If you have a larger site, then you may want to run the upgrade scripts from the Command Line Interface (CLI). vBulletin can support this. After you have prepared your files using the steps above then you can log into your command line interface, usually SSH. From your SSH terminal, change into the %forumroot%/core/install directory. Then run the upgrade utility with this command line:
    php -f upgrade.php
    Upgrading from vBulletin 4.2.5 Publishing Suite

    Preparing for your upgrade
    If you are using an older version of vBulletin. It is recommended that you download and upgrade to the vBulletin 4.2.5 Publishing Suite before proceeding to vBulletin 5. This will make sure your system is at the most compatible level to be converted. Please follow these tips for the best migration:
    1. Uninstall all third-party addons in the AdminCP under Plugins & Products -> Product Manager.
    2. Leave the vBulletin Blog and vBulletin CMS products installed.
    3. All other Products are incompatible.
    4. Download your logo to be reused.
    5. Read why we recommend using a test server for the initial upgrade (below)
    6. Make a backup of your database to store locally.
    7. Delete all vBulletin 4.X files. Maintain your attachment, customavatar, and signaturepics directories in their current locations.
    8. Follow the Upgrade Steps below.

    Using a Test Server for the Initial Upgrade
    vBulletin Connect is more than an upgrade from older versions of vBulletin. It reimagines how a lot of the system functions to achieve various goals. These goals include standardized functionality across content creation, mobile device support, modularity, security, and updating programming standards. This requires a different code structure than previous versions of vBulletin and comes with a new database structure. When upgrading to vBulletin Connect, the process is more of a migration of data rather than the generally simply upgrades. For this reason we recommend upgrading a test copy first. This will allow your older version of vBulletin to remain live while you test and verify that the ugprade was successful. It will also give you and your team time to familiarize yourself with the new software so you can provide support to your end-users.

    You can read how to utilize a test server in our online manual here: https://www.vbulletin.com/go/testserver

    Upgrade to vBulletin 5.
    Now that you have prepared your vBulletin 4.2.5 data to be upgraded to vBulletin Connect you can follow these steps.
    1. After Purchasing, download vBulletin Connect from the your Member's Area.
    2. Unzip the downloaded package on your local machine. Depending on your hosting provider and internet connection this can take some time.
    3. In your vBulletin files there will be a directory called upload. Enter it.
    4. Rename config.php.bkp to config.php (ren config.php.bkp config.php)
    5. Enter the /upload/core/includes directory.
    6. Rename config.php.new to config.php (ren config.php.new config.php)
    7. Edit config.php and change these values to match your information.
      • $config['Database']['dbname'] = 'databasename';
      • $config['Database']['technicalemail'] = '[email protected]';
      • $config['MasterServer']['servername'] = 'localhost'; // may be referred to as a host name
      • $config['MasterServer']['port'] = 3306;
      • $config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'username';
      • $config['MasterServer']['password'] = 'password';
      • Make sure that all values are to the right of the equal sign (=) and between the single quotes ('). If you do not know these values they can be obtained from your hosting provider.
      • No other values need to be changed in this file for a basic installation of vBulletin Connect.

    8. Using your SFTP Client, upload the contents of the upload directory (including all sub-directories and files) to your server. Place these files in the directory where you want to install vBulletin. This directory should be empty.
    9. If you store file attachments and custom avatars in the file system (both recommended), then you will need to copy these to your new directory as well.
    10. Rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess (the leading period is required). If you are using Filezilla, you can do this by right-clicking on the file and choosing rename on the context menu. This can also be done from the Windows Command Line before uploading the files to the server.
    11. Load the Upgrade Wizard in your browser. The URL should be https://%yourdomain%/%forumroot%/install/upgrade.php
    12. The Upgrade Wizard will ask for your Customer ID. This can be found in your Member's Area after logging in.
    13. Process all the steps in the Wizard. Some steps make take a long time.

    Upgrading from Older Versions of vBulletin
    For the best upgrade scenarios, we recommend that you first upgrade to vBulletin 4.2.5 and then follow the steps above.

    After Upgrading

    During the upgrade process from vBulletin 3 and vBulletin 4, the search index is not created. This improves upgrade times significantly. After upgrading, you will need to rebuild your search index. Your site can be live during the search engine rebuild but there may be performance issues while indexing occurs. There are two ways to index your site for keyword based searches.
    1. Within the AdminCP at Maintenance -> General Update Tools -> Rebuild Search Index.
    2. Using the searchindex.php located in the do_not_upload directory of your download package. The file should be placed in your %forumroot% directory and then executed from the command line. When indexing is completed, the file should be deleted from your server.

    File Cleanup

    Often when we refactor functionality within the system, it requires the removal of files that become obsolete. Due to the upgrade process, these files can build up on your server. In addition to this, each version includes its own set of javascript files with unique names. While these files shouldn't cause issues, they will take up space on your server. We recommend deleting these obsolete files from your server in order to maintain a clean file set. This requires a few steps to complete.

    1. Delete rollup javascript files that do not include your version number in the file name. These will not appear in the Suspect File Version diagnostic.

    2. Use the Suspect File Version tool in the AdminCP to delete all obsolete PHP files.
    1. In the AdminCP go to Maintenance -> Diagnostics.
    2. Run the Suspect File Versions tool.
    3. It will scan the vBulletin directories and list all files not part of vBulletin.
    4. Review these files to make sure they aren't part of a customization. If they aren't needed, then delete them with your SFTP client.

    3. If you store your CSS as Files, you would want to follow these steps:
    1. Turn off Store CSS as Files (AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> Style & Language Options).
    2. Delete the contents of the /core/clientscript/vbulletin_css directory.
      • If you store your CSS files elsewhere, delete the contents of that location.

    3. Turn on Store CSS as Files (AdminCP -> Settings -> Options -> Style & Language Options).
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  4. #4
    ÇáÕæÑÉ ÇáÑãÒíÉ Rise Company
    Engineering and Technology
    ÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÊÓÌíá
    Apr 2014
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    Frequent Upgrade Issues

    After installing vBulletin 5, my site is unformatted
    This means that URL Rewriting is not working on your site. Possible causes include:
    • htaccess.txt has not been renamed to .htaccess (the leading period is important)
    • mod_rewrite is not installed for Apache 2.4
    • URL Rewrite is not installed for IIS 8.5+
    • The server configuration for NGINX has not been updated. See the file for your version of PHP within the do_not_upload folder.
    • AllowOverride is not allowed in the Apache configuration file.

    You hosting provider can help you get the ability to rewrite URLS working on your site.

    The AdminCP directory is empty
    This is by design. The /admincp/ directory is just a place holder and not actually needed or used by the software.

    The option to rename the AdminCP is missing.
    This is by design. Renaming this directory doesn't actually provide any security to your installation. If someone has access to your Administrator username and password, they can still access the AdminCP. vBulletin Connect and vBulletin Cloud both have other methods to secure the AdminCP. These include both Two-Factor Authentication and IP Blocking built into the software.

    The system states that it is not able to find the Log In Form
    Make sure that the Log In URL is set correctly in the AdminCP. In most installations, it should be the same as the Frontend URL.
    Last edited by Wayne Luke; Tue 21st May '19, 8:51am.
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  5. #5
    ÇáÕæÑÉ ÇáÑãÒíÉ Rise Company
    Engineering and Technology
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    Quick Overview: How to Upgrade to vBulletin 5 Connect.

    Wed 5th Sep '12, 10:25am

    vBulletin 5 Requires URL Rewriting. This will be mod_rewrite or its equivalent under Apache and URL Rewrite under IIS. There is an .htaccess (Apache) file and web.config (IIS) included in the upload folder for this purpose. The software will not work without URL Rewriting.

    Note: It is important to install vBulletin 5 into a clean directory. Do not attempt to overwrite your 4.X files or the install will fail and you will be left with hundreds of unused files.

    Setting Up vBulletin 5
    Please note that vBulletin 5 has two config.php files. It is very important that both are edited and the values of any overlapping variables like cookie prefix are identical in both files.

    1. If Upgrading from a previous version, you need to create a backup of your database before proceeding.
    2. After Purchasing, download vB5 from the your Member's Area.
    3. Unzip the package.
    4. Create a new directory to hold vBulletin 5. It should not contain any vBulletin 3 or 4 files.
    5. Copy the /upload/ your new html folder. For simplicity’s sake, I’m going to assumed it’s been renamed and refer to it as /vb5/.
    6. Rename /vb5/core/includes/config.php.new to config.php and edit it like you would for vB4. (Change the database credentials & database name.). This is similar to how you installed/upgraded vBulletin 3 and 4.
    7. Rename htaccess.txt to .htaccess (Note the preceding . IS required)

    5.X specific steps
    1. Rename /vb5/config.php.bkp to config.php.
    2. Set the cookieprefix to be the same as the one in /vb5/core/includes/config.php.

    Running the Upgrade Wizard
    1. Go to the install directory of core in your browser to install vB5. This is just like installing vB4. Ex: http://www.example.com/vb5/core/install/upgrade.php
    2. When finished you can view the site through the baseurl (http://www.example.com/vb5).
    3. You should be able to access your AdminCP via the baseurl + /admincp (http://www.example.com/vb5/admincp).

    Command Line Upgrades.
    If you have a larger forum, you should upgrade via the command line. This is a faster and more efficient way to upgrade. In order to do this, follow these steps:
    1. Edit your config.php files as stated above.
    2. Connect to your server via SSH.
    3. Switch to your forum's core install directory. example: cd <install location>/core/install
    4. Type this command: php upgrade.php

    You can use this command "nohup php upgrade.php &" if you feel that your SSH connection will fail in the middle of the upgrade. This will allow the upgrade to continue in the background without a connection.

    Why are there two config.php files?
    vBulletin 5 has two layers of functionality. These are the Presentation and the Core Layers. The Presentation layer does not have permission to use code in the Core layer directly and accesses it via the API. This allows more data security and in the future can include the functionality where the Core layer is located on a completely different server for more security.
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  3. ãÔÇÑßÇÊ: 0
    ÂÎÑ ãÔÇÑßÉ: 30-12-2019, 06:38
  4. ãäÊÏí ÇáÌíá ÇáÎÇãÓ vBulletin 5 | ÌãíÚ ãáÝÇÊ ÊÚÑíÈ ÇááÛÉ
    ÈæÇÓØÉ Rise Company Ýí ÇáãäÊÏì ÞÓã ãäÊÏí vb
    ãÔÇÑßÇÊ: 0
    ÂÎÑ ãÔÇÑßÉ: 30-12-2019, 04:32
  5. ãäÊÏí ÇáÌíá ÇáÎÇãÓ vBulletin 5 | ãÊØáÈÇÊ ÇáÊÑÞíÉ Recommended Requirements
    ÈæÇÓØÉ Rise Company Ýí ÇáãäÊÏì ÞÓã ãäÊÏí vb
    ãÔÇÑßÇÊ: 0
    ÂÎÑ ãÔÇÑßÉ: 30-12-2019, 04:01




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