Óí ÈÇäíá cPanel | Íá ãÔßáÉ PowerDNS is not available for your system
How to Use cPanel's PowerDNS - replacing bind with powerdns

The PowerDNS open source DNS server software offers high performance with very low memory requirements. cPanel’s PowerDNS implementation reads DNS data from the BIND files and stores DNSSEC data in a SQLite database. This makes cPanel’s PowerDNS compatible with most of cPanel’s DNS Management tools.

ÇáãÔßáÉ :

I cant select MyDNS. The radio button is grayed out
Currently BIND is enabled but it uses too much memory and I want to change it. Thinking about trying MyDNS.
For some reason, at the selection screen, BIND is the only selectable option while MyDNS & NSD are not and it says "MyDNS/NSD is not available for your system".

Íá ÇáãÔßáÉ :

I solved it. All I needed to do was edit /etc/resolv.conf and for the nameservers I set them to Google's Public DNS. So, in order to use MyDNS or NSD you need to have external nameservers listed in the resolv.conf and not your local ones.

You could just use Google's resolves ( and or Cloudflare ( and or the most common,
which is to just uses the data centre's resolvers.

 nano /etc/resolv.conf
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