الغاء ووقف Disable the Adsense - Ad Review Center inside Adsense Account

خاصية الريفيو لمراجعه الاعلانات التى تظهر على الموقع وظيفتها هو مشاهدة ما يظهر على الموقع من خلالها
وليس فلتر يمنع ظهور الاعلانات فى الموقع الا بعد الموافقه عليها .

الاستخدام الرئيسى لها هو ان جميع الاعلانات التى شاهدتها بمجرد عمل Mark as reviewed
يضعها جانبا فى مكان اخر لمشاهدة باقى الاعلانات واذا كان هناك اعلانات غير مرغوب فيها
يتم الضغط على Block this ad

That's not how the AdReview center works. It lets you see which ads have been shown on your website, it doesn't show only ads you've reviewed.

If an ad has shown on your site, then it will appear in the ad review center. Clicking on the "reviewed" button shows you ads you've already reviewed. Clicking the "unreviewed" button will show you the ads that have appeared on your site that you haven't reviewed.

The ad review center isn't a way to approve or not approve ads, it's a way to see what others have seen on your website, and a way to block the ones you don't want shown on your website.

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